Civic Engagement Projects
Laura Kigin, Department CoordinatorCarnegie Hall, Room 104 651-696-6249
651-696-6116 (fax)
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Project Title and Description |
2024 Payne Avenue Walking Tour – Building Tomorrow: Community Investment and Resilience Across Time. A collaborative research project with the East Side Freedom Library Faculty: Dan Trudeau GEOG 277: Qualitative Research Methods Mapping East Phillips, Minneapolis: Supporting the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute to build a vibrant community hub and indoor urban farm Zine Presentation StoryMap Faculty: Laura Smith and Ashley Nepp GEOG 365: Urban GIS Alternative Agriculture Futures in the Upper Midwest Faculty: Bill Moseley GEOG 232: Food, Agriculture and Environment Archiving the Future: Hayden Heights Understanding the present and future of the Hayden Heights Public Library Faculty: Laura Smith GEOG 365: Urban GIS Partnership with St. Paul Public Schools Public Input on Growing and Gathering Food in Thompson County Park Faculty: Dan Trudeau GEOG 377: Qualitative Research Methods |
2023 Alternative Food Systems in the Upper Midwest Faculty: Bill Moseley Death and Life at the Hennepin County Poor Farm |
2022 Geographies of the Ramsey County Poor Farm, from Minnesota Territory to the New Deal Faculty: Jesse McClelland Faculty: Dan Trudeau GEOG 294: Building an Inclusive Healthcare System: Collaborative Research with Family Tree Clinic |
2021 A Field Guide to Public Spaces Faculty: Dan Trudeau GEOG 294: Political Geography of Urban Public Spaces Feeling Safe and Welcome: A Study of Trail Use at Lake Phalen Regional Park Faculty: Dan Trudeau GEOG 377: Qualitative Research Methods in Geography |
2019 St. Paul 3K: Mapping Access to Childcare in St. Paul Faculty: Laura Smith & Ashley Nepp Course: GEOG 365 |
2018 Local Agriculture in the Upper Midwest: Amidst Tariff Wars, Migration Restrictions, Climate Change and Evolving Gender Dynamics [pdf] Faculty: Bill Moseley Course: GEOG 232 – FA18 Saint Paul 3K Faculty: Laura Smith and Ashley Nepp Course: GEOG 365 – FA18 A Field Guide to Public Spaces in St. Paul Faculty: Dan Trudeau Course: GEOG 394 – FA18 |
2017 The Future of U.S. Alternative Agriculture in a Time of Change [pdf] Faculty: Bill Moseley Course: GEOG 232 – FA17 Perspectives on the MLS Stadium Development [pdf] Faculty: Dan Trudeau Course: GEOG 377 Building Community: Mapping Potential YMCA Locations in Bloomington, Maple Grove, and Rosemount, Minnesota Faculty: Holly Barcus Course: GEOG 364 The Future of Alternative Agriculture in the Upper Midwest: Key Questions, Opportunities and Constraints [pdf] Faculty: Bill Moseley Course: GEOG 232 – SP17 Mapping the Community Context of the Northside Achievement Zone [pdf] Presentation on Mapping the Community Context of the Northside Achievement Zone [pdf] Faculty: Laura Smith and Ashley NeppCourse: GEOG 365 Urban GIS |
2016 What’s Good in the Neighborhood: Community Assets in the North End of Union Park [pdf] Faculty: Dan Trudeau Course: Geog 377 Qualitative Research Methods Presentation for Examining the Context of the NAZ [pdf] Faculty: Bill Moseley Course: Geog 232 |
2015 Identifying Leading Indicators of Gentrification Faculty: Laura Smith and Ashley Nepp Course: Geog 365 Urban GIS – SP15 How do ideas about lawn alternatives spread? Analysis of social diffusion processes for the Master Water Stewards Program Faculty: Dan Trudeau Course: Geog 377 – FA15 |
2014 Mapping the Western Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Faculty: Holly Barcus and Ashley Nepp Course: GEOG 364 – FA 2014 The Minnehaha Creek Watershed: Mapping the Master Water Stewards Program [pdf] Faculty: Laura Smith and Ashley Nepp Course: GEOG 365 Urban GIS |
2013 Minneapolis Riverfront Vitality Indicators Project Faculty: Laura Smith and Ashley Nepp Course: Geog 365 Urban GIS – SP13Mapping Social Influence – Understanding the Impact of the Water Stewards ProgramFaculty: Dan Trudeau Course: Geog 377 – FA13 |
2012 Examining Local Housing Markets: Five Twin Cities Neighborhood Profiles Part 1: Executive Summary, Introduction, and Methodology Part 2: Powderhorn Park Part 3: Longfellow Part 4: Greater Frogtown Part 5: Dayton’s Bluff Part 6: Richfield Part 7: Conclusion, Bibliography, and Appendix Faculty: Laura Smith Course: GEOG 365 Urban GIS |
2011 St. Paul’s University Avenue: Before the Central Corridor 6. Gentrification and ConclusionFaculty: Laura Smith and Dan Trudeau Courses: GEOG 488 and GEOG 341 |
2010 Mapping Indian Land Tenure in Minnesota Presentation Indian Land Tenure Foundation Report Faculty: Holly Barcus and Laura Smith Courses: GEOG 364 and 365 – FA10 |
2009 Changing Conditions and Neighborhood Stabilization in North Minneapolis Neighborhoods Part I: Neighborhood Characteristics Part II: Housing Trends Part III: Foreclosure Trends and Conclusion Faculty: Laura Smith Course: GEOG 365 Urban GIS The Ordway Digital Database [Final Report] Faculty: Holly Barcus Course: GEOG364 – FA09 |
2008 Saint Paul Recreation Centers [Final Report] [Presentation] [Maps (color)] [Maps (b/w)] Faculty: Holly Barcus Course: GEOG 364 – FA08 Little Earth Oral History Project Faculty: Dan Trudeau Course: GEOG 341 Examining Spatial Mismatch in the Twin Cities Metro Part I: Extent of Mismatch Part II: Extent of Mismatch continued Part III: Transportation Effects Faculty: Laura Smith Course: GEOG 365 Advanced Cartography & Urban GIS The Crow River Watershed: An Annotated Atlas The Crow River Watershed Part 1 The Crow River Watershed Part 2 Presentation on the Crow River Watershed Faculty: David Lanegran, Daniel Trudeau, Holly Barcus, Birgit Muehlenhaus Courses: GEOG 488 Urban Geography Field Seminar, GEOG 488 Cities of the 21st Century, and GEOG 364 GIS: Concepts and Applications |
2007 After-School Programs Faculty: Holly Barcus Course: GEOG364 |
2006 North Minneapolis: Examining Neighborhood Trends with GIS Introduction and Part I: Mortgage Foreclosures in North Minneapolis Part II: Gentrification in North Minneapolis Part III: Affordable Housing and the Hollman Consent Decree Part IV: An Asset Based Approach to North Minneapolis Faculty: Laura Smith Course: GEOG 365 Lake Street Project Faculty: Holly Barcus Course: GEOG364 – FA07 Bikeways Project [Report] [Presentation] Faculty: Holly Barcus Course: GEOG364 – SP06 The Urbanization of the St. Croix River Basin: An Annotated Atlas Part 1 Part 2 Faculty: David A. Lanegran Course: GEOG 488: Urban Geography Field Seminar |
2005 PCEC Project Faculty: Holly Barcus Course: GEOG364 – FA05 |
2004 Foreclosures in the Twin Cities: Analysis of Spatial Trends Faculty: Laura Smith |
2003 St. Anthony Park: A Community Built on a Solid Foundation Faculty: David Lanegran Course: GEOG 488 Urban Geography Field Seminar |
2022 Living Off Campus: Macalester Students in the Neighborhood Chapter 1-Part 1 Chapter 1-Part 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Faculty: Laura Smith and David Lanegran Course(s): GEOG 365 Urban GIS and GEOG 488 Urban Geography Field Seminar |
1998 Pride and Place: The Strength and Potential of Payne-Arcade Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Faculty: David Lanegran Course: GEOG 488 Urban Geography Field Seminar |