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Community Engagement

Anybody can volunteer on the weekends to help their community, but a social science skillset gives a pretty direct route to improving one’s community through their own work. Our project provided a concrete example of how this is possible.

– Jack Acomb ’22, GEOG 365 class member

Geography students photographed in front of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis sign.

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Bank produces world-class economic research and provides high-impact analysis and advice to Bank leaders and monetary policy and other strategic initiatives.

This was real world stuff – there are some unknowns when you go into these projects, but every time students have exceeded my expectations in terms of the quality and the type of work.

– Rob Grunewald, Community Development Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Geography student hold a large root vegetable from Common Harvest Farm

Common Harvest Farm

Osceola, Wisconsin
The Farm was founded in 1989 as an outreach of an urban peace and justice community seeking greater connections to the land and their food.

Geography students trekking through snow.

Freshwater Society

Saint Paul, Minnesota
Freshwater is a leading public nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving freshwater resources and their surrounding watersheds.

More civic engagement partners and projects

Comprehensive list of Geography community engagement projects

For additional information on civic engagement at Macalester and how you can get involved, visit the Community Engagement Center (CEC).