Course Descriptions
Connie DeLage, Department CoordinatorCarnegie Hall, Room 104 651-696-6291
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GEOG 111 - Geography, Environment, and Society: Global Issues and Local Patterns
Frequency: Every year.
GEOG 113 - Geography, Environment, and Society: Global Processes and World Regions
Frequency: Every year.
GEOG 115 - Geography, Environment, and Society: Engaging with the World Around Us
Frequency: Every year.
GEOG 194 - Topics Course
GEOG 203 - Introduction to Urban Ecology
Frequency: Offered every year.
Cross-Listed as: ENVI 203
GEOG 204 - Earth and the Environment: Elements of Physical Geography
Frequency: Every year; Spring semester.
Cross-Listed as: ENVI 204
GEOG 220 - Environmental Geology
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
GEOG 225 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Frequency: Offered every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
GEOG 232 - Food, Agriculture and the Environment
Frequency: Offered every year.
Cross-Listed as: ENVI 232
GEOG 234 - Migration, Environment and Place Identity(ies): Exploring Geographies of Home, Mobility and Place
Frequency: Alternate years.
GEOG 239 - Neotropical Landscapes
Frequency: Every year; Fall semester.
GEOG 241 - Urban Geography
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 242 - Regional Geography of the US and Canada
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 243 - Geography of Africa: Local Resources and Livelihoods in a Global Context
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 244 - The Political Economy of Asia
Frequency: Every year; fall semester.
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 244
GEOG 247 - Regional Geography of the Middle East
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
GEOG 248 - The Political Geography of Nations and Nationalism
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 249 - Environment and Society in Latin America
Frequency: Offered every year.
Cross-Listed as: LATI 249
GEOG 250 - Race, Place and Space
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: AMST 250
GEOG 252 - Water and Power
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
GEOG 254 - Population 8 Billion: Global Population Issues and Trends
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: ENVI 254
GEOG 256 - Health Geography
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 258 - Geography of Environmental Hazards
Frequency: Offered every year.
Cross-Listed as: ENVI 258
GEOG 261 - World Urbanization
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 262 - Metro Analysis
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 263 - The End of Public Space? Searching for the Inclusive City
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
GEOG 265 - Contemporary Mongolia: Livelihoods, Economies and Environments
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 265
GEOG 277 - Qualitative Research Methods in Geography
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 294 - Topics Course
GEOG 320 - Asian Cities
Frequency: Offered every year.
Cross-Listed as: ASIA 320
GEOG 341 - City Life: Segregation, Integration, and Gentrification
Frequency: Offered every year.
Cross-Listed as: AMST 341
GEOG 352 - Remote Sensing of the Environment
Frequency: Offered every year.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
Cross-Listed as: ENVI 352
GEOG 363 - Geography of Development and Underdevelopment
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 364 - GIS and Community Partnerships
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 225 and permission of instructor.
GEOG 365 - Urban GIS
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 225 and permission of instructor.
GEOG 367 - Environmental Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Frequency: Offered infrequently.
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 225 and permission of instructor.
GEOG 368 - Health GIS
Frequency: Offered every year.
GEOG 370 - Advanced Cartography and Geovisualization
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 225 and permission of instructor.
GEOG 372 - Advanced Remote Sensing
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 362
Cross-Listed as: COMP 272
GEOG 375 - Rural Landscapes and Livelihoods
Frequency: Offered occasionally.
Cross-Listed as: ENVI 375
GEOG 378 - Statistical Research Methods in Geography
Frequency: Offered every year.
Prerequisite(s): Geography major or permission of instructor.
GEOG 394 - Topics Course
GEOG 472 - Global Urbanism
Frequency: Generally offered every other year.
GEOG 474 - Our Changing Planet: A Seminar in Land-System Science
Frequency: Alternate years.
Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing.
GEOG 475 - Health Geography Seminar
Frequency: Generally offered every other year.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Completion of GEOG 256 prior is encouraged.
GEOG 476 - Transportation Geography Seminar
Frequency: Generally offered every other year.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
GEOG 477 - Comparative Environment and Development: A Seminar in Political Ecology
Frequency: Offered every other year.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Prior completion of a geography course(s) with an environmental or development focus is encouraged.
GEOG 478 - Another World is Possible: The Political Economy of Urban Sustainability
Frequency: Generally offered every other year.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.
Cross-Listed as: ENVI 478
GEOG 479 - Migrants, Migration and the Global Landscape of Population Change
Frequency: Generally offered every other year.
GEOG 494 - Topics Course
GEOG 611 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
GEOG 612 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
GEOG 613 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
GEOG 614 - Independent Project
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
GEOG 621 - Internship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Career Exploration Office.
GEOG 622 - Internship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Career Exploration Office.
GEOG 623 - Internship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with the Career Exploration Office.
GEOG 624 - Internship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with the Career Exploration Office.
GEOG 631 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs and Advising.
GEOG 632 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs and Advising.
GEOG 633 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs and Advising.
GEOG 634 - Preceptorship
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor. Work with Academic Programs and Advising.
GEOG 641 - Honors Independent
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
GEOG 642 - Honors Independent
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
GEOG 643 - Honors Independent
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.
GEOG 644 - Honors Independent
Frequency: Every semester.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and department chair.