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Xavier Haro-Carrión

Assistant Professor
Remote sensing, land change processes, human-environment, biodiversity, South America

Carnegie Hall, 104F

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Curriculum Vitae

Hello and thank you for visiting my Macalester webpage.

I am a land change scientist with a keen interest in human-environment interactions. My
expertise, within land change science, lies in the use of remote sensing approaches to analyze
changes in vegetation and land-cover across various spatial and temporal scales. At a regional
level, I focus on understanding long-term changes in tropical vegetation, while at local scales,
my research centers around land-cover change and its implications for biodiversity. Ecuador
is my primary geographic focus, but I consider the Neotropics my region of expertise.
Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to a better understanding of land change processes in rapidly
transforming environments.

Check this video about a project related to bamboo cover mapping to see an example of the
type of research I conduct.

If you are interested, you can learn more about my current research projects, publications,
and opportunities for student involvement in my website’s research section.

In my teaching, I draw upon my thematic and regional expertise. At the introductory level, I
offer classes related to physical geography or interdisciplinary classes focused on the
Neotropics. For intermediate and advanced levels, my focus shifts to teaching remote sensing
and land change science. As educator, my goal is to empower students with geospatial tools,
stimulate critical thinking, and foster a more global and holistic approach to understanding
human-environment systems.

For detailed course descriptions, visit my website’s teaching section.

Would you like to stay updated on my work? Feel free to connect with me through social
media using the links provided here!


GEOG 204: Earth and the Environment: Elements of Physical Geography (cross-listed with ENVI 204)

GEOG 239: Neotropical Landscapes (cross-listed with LATI 239)

GEOG 249: Environment and Society in Latin America (cross-listed with LATI 249)

GEOG 362: Remote Sensing of the Environment (cross-listed with ENVI 394-02)

GEOG 373: Advanced Remote Sensing (cross-listed with COMP 272)

GEOG 494: Our Changing Planet: A Seminar in Land Change Science


Links for Geography course syllabi can be found on our Course Syllabi page.