Abstract Submission
Connie DeLage, Department CoordinatorCarnegie Hall, Room 104 651-696-6291
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Authors are invited to submit abstracts under the themes given above but are not limited to these themes. Abstracts will be sent for review and participants will be informed by 5 March whether an abstract has been accepted. Inclusion of an abstract in the Colloquium Handbook is dependent on receipt of the Registration Fee by May 1st.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words in length should be submitted via by January 15, 2019 using the following format:
- Language: English or French
- Font: Times New Roman 12pt
- Spacing: single spacing
- Alignment: all text should be left aligned
- Title of paper: Uppercase
- Title and name of author/s (no more than 2 co-authors may be listed): in bold; title, first name followed by surname in capitals; followed by the institutional address in plain text; and email address in italics
- Abstracts must include information about the following aspects of the research:
- introduction (clearly stating the problem/objective of the paper),
- theoretical insights
- methodology
- findings/results
- discussion/conclusion
- They will not exceed 300 words
Based on US Central Standard Day/Time> 15 October 2018: First call for paper and poster abstracts> 1 December 2018: Second call for paper and poster abstracts
> 15 January 2019: Abstracts submission deadline
> 5 March 2019: Notification of abstract acceptance
> 14 March 2019: Conference registration opens
> 14 April 2019: Regular registration closes
> 15 April 2019: Late registration opens
> 1 May 2019: Late registration closes. On-campus housing registration closes.
Questions? Contact Us at [email protected]