Lanegran Endowed Fund Archives
Connie DeLage, Department CoordinatorCarnegie Hall, Room 104 651-696-6291
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Faculty Advisors: Laura Smith and Xavier Haro-Carrión
Student Committee Members: Corgan Archuleta ’24 and Joe Harrington ’24
Keynote Address: “Leveraging an Education in Geography to a Career in Location Advisory, Site Selection and Negotiation”
February 16, 2024 at 5:00 PM CDT, Kagin Ballroom
Speaker: Matt Jackson ’92, Executive Managing Director, Jones Lang LaSalle Business Consulting Group
Matt Jackson is an Executive Managing Director in the Jones Lang LaSalle Business Consulting Group. He is based in Washington DC. Mr. Jackson is responsible for assisting companies with global operating footprint strategy, cross border direct investment, location strategy and site selection, incentives negotiations, portfolio strategy and occupancy optimization.
Mr. Jackson has 27 years of experience assisting corporations with the global configuration and optimization of corporate operations to achieve revenue, margin and innovation objectives. He specializes in assisting companies with global business platform design, cross border direct investment strategy, manufacturing platform strategy, office platform strategy, SG&A process configuration, structural cost reengineering, workplace strategy, location strategy, incentives negotiations and site selection. Mr. Jackson has conducted more than 500 related engagements for corporate clients.
Mr. Jackson brings a unique global perspective to Firm client’s having dedicated a career to global issues. He has worked extensively in many of the world’s key markets for international expansion including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam, and the United States.
Faculty Advisors: Holly Barcus and Rupak Shrestha
Student Committee Members: Maura Haas ’23 and Noah Velick ’23, GTU Co-Presidents
Keynote Address: “Climate change injustice in Tibet: impacts and adaptation”
Dr. Emily Yeh, Department of Geography, the University of Colorado Boulder
February 16, 2023 at 4:45 PM CDT, Kagin Ballroom
Dr Yeh’s main research interests focus on questions of power, political economy, and cultural politics in the nature-society relationship. Her keynote address, “Climate Change Injustice in Tibet; Impacts and Adaptation”, provided an overview of years of research she and colleagues have done to better understand the multiscalar and multifaceted climate injustice in Tibet.
Faculty Advisor: Dan Trudeau
Student Committee Members: Nethmi Bathige ’22 and Annabel Gregg ’22, GTU Co-Presidents
[Photo Highlights]
Student Lunch with Dr. Eaves
March 24th at 11:30 am, Carnegie 105
Keynote Address
March 24th at 4:45 PM CDT, Kagin Ballroom
Dr. LaToya Eaves, Department of Geography, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
“. . .but under conditions of our own choosing.”: Black livingness as method in geography”
Contact: Dan Trudeau, Professor of Geography
Social Gathering for Geography Students, Faculty & Staff
Ran-ham Bowling Lanes, 490 1/2 Hamline Ave S, St Paul, MN 55116
Community Outing
A visit to the Minnesota African American Heritage Museum and Gallery (MAAHMG)
Faculty Advisor: Laura Smith
Event 1: Guest Speaker, Dr. Anne Brown ’10
“On behalf of the Macalester College Geography Department, I am excited to invite you to our 2020 LANEGRAN DAY lecture to be held today, February 6 from 4:45-6:00 p.m. in Olin-Rice 250. Our speaker will be Dr. Anne Brown ’10, Assistant Professor in Planning, Public Policy & Management at the University of Oregon, addressing the question of “Can Ride-Hailing Deliver Equity? Lessons for New Mobility Policy.”
Dr. Brown’s research examines the intersection of equity, shared and innovative mobility, travel behavior, and transportation finance. She has published on a range of transportation equity topics including discrimination in new mobility, the planning implications of ride-hailing, transit fare equity, and the policy implications of being car-free vs. car-less. Her 2018 doctoral dissertation on ridehail travel and equity in Los Angeles was awarded the Barclay Gibbs Jones Award for best dissertation in Planning by the Association of Collegiate Schools in Planning and the Charley V. Wootan Memorial Award for the best dissertation in Transportation by the Council of University Transportation Centers.
Event 2: Student & Faculty Staff Bowling Evening
On Friday night, students, faculty, and families gathered at Ran-Ham Bowling Alley at the Nook on Hamline Avenue in St. Paul. There were about 20-25 students at this event, and a good time was had by all. Students were provided bus tokens for transportation to and from the event location.
Our GTU Co-Presidents, Sophia Alhadeff ‘20 and Sivan Tratt ‘20, took great care to organize, promote and these events which were both enjoyed and appreciated by students, faculty and staff.
Faculty Advisor: Eric Carter
Organizers: Hannah Shumway ‘19 and Ariana Lutze-Jahiel ’19, GTU Co-Presidents
On Thursday and Friday, February 7-8, we were honored to have as our guest Kendra McSweeney, Professor of Geography at the Ohio State University. On Thursday, Prof. McSweeney gave two talks: an EnviroThursday lecture, on “Indigenous Population Rebound and Biodiversity Conservation in Central America: Conflict or Accommodation?” and a lecture later the same day on “Narco-Deforestation: Agrarian Change in Latin America’s Cocaine Corridor.” These talks drew on political ecology and conservation research Prof. McSweeney has been conducting on the Caribbean coast of Honduras for the last 20 years. Both talks were very well attended, by faculty, students, and community members. Also on Thursday, Prof. McSweeney was a guest in Eric Carter’s class “Environment and Society in Latin America,” and a group of faculty members took her out to dinner. The following morning, Prof. Lanegran and Eric Carter gave Kendra a tour of Saint Paul, and she seemed to have a great time learning from a true St Paul expert while Eric did the driving. She had lunch with a group of Geography students that day, and focused especially on her pathway into a career in academia.
On Friday night, students, faculty, and families gathered at Ran-Ham Bowling Alley at the Nook on Hamline Avenue in St. Paul. Even Prof. McSweeney came out to socialize with the group. There were about 30-35 students at this event, and a good time was had by all.
Our GTU Co-Presidents took great care to organize, promote and these events which were both enjoyed and appreciated by students, faculty and staff. In addition, we received the following letter from Professor McSweeney.
Faculty Advisor: Eric Carter
Organizers: Rachel Lieberman ‘18 and Millie Varley ’18, GTU Co-Presidents
Mac Geography enjoyed two great events in honor of Professor Dave Lanegran this week. On Wednesday, January 24, students, faculty, and families gathered at Ran-ham Bowling Alley at the Nook on Hamline Avenue in St. Paul. At this “Geography Bowl,” the trivia was Lanegran-themed and it’s safe to say everyone, including professors, learned about this Mac and Geography legend. Ruth Buck, ‘18, tied with Professor Dan Trudeau, who generously deferred the grand prize (a 7th edition National Geography atlas, given by Prof Lanegran) to Ruth, rather than fighting it out in a battle of rock, paper, scissors. Runners-up were Hannah Shumway ‘19, and Gordy Moore ‘17, and Orion Dick-Neal ‘19. Besides the trivia, many students (Asia Sageman ‘18, Anna Dolde ‘18, Lucia Hunt ‘18, Maddy McKeown ‘18, Maya Swope ‘18, Issac Gamoran ‘18, Noah Stieglitz ‘18, Malia Becker ‘19, Sophia Alhadeff ‘19, Claire O’Connor ‘19, Henry Nieberg ‘19, Kristi Wyrobeck ‘19, and Finn Odum ‘21) and faculty (Ashley Nepp & husband, Holly Barcus, and Dan Trudeau & family) knocked down pins and enjoyed pizza, nachos, and good company.
Saturday, January 27, the fun continued, as students (Ella Shoenen ‘18, Maddy McKeown ‘18, Maya Swope ‘18, Anna Dolde ‘18, Ruth Buck ‘18, Rosie Chittick ‘20, Henry Nieberg ‘19, Anna Bebbington ‘18, Lucia Hunt ‘18) and faculty (Eric Carter & daughter, Holly Barcus & family, Dave Lanegran!) took a bus to Rondo Community Library. There we met Mr. Marvin Anderson, the executive direction of Reconnect Rondo, an organization committed to the continued vitality of the Rondo neighborhood and with a mission to construct a landbridge over I-94. This is an effort to re-connect a community that was badly damaged by discriminatory decisions to cut right through the middle of black and low-income people’s homes and lives with an interstate. After a short presentation, the Mac group loaded the bus with Mr. Anderson, who directed a tour around the Rondo neighborhood. A particularly special moment occurred when everyone piled on to the Victoria St. bridge, and took a few minutes to envision the landbridge stretching from side to side and becoming infrastructure that builds community. Everyone left with a feeling of optimism and a better understanding of important, grassroots work in our city and community.
Committee: Moseley, Trudeau, Nepp
In 2016-17, the Lanegran Fund was used to support the first annual Lanegran Day activities. This included bringing in a guest speaker on Jan 26-27, 2017. Our guest speaker was Karen Seto, a professor in the Yale School of Forestry and Environment. She gave a talk entitled “Future global urban expansion and implications for croplands & biodiversity.” The talk was extremely well attended by students and faculty (approximately 150). In addition to the talk, Dr. Seto had lunch with geography students and dinner with geography faculty. The Lanegran Fund also supported a trip to the St. Paul Winter Carnival by geography faculty and students.