Social Mobility and Internal Migration
Connie DeLage, Department CoordinatorCarnegie Hall, Room 104 651-696-6291
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More recently, I’ve been further working on questions of immobility and social mobility amongst the Kazakh ethnic minority population who recently migrated to Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. This shift in migration trajectories as well as the aspirations of many young Kazakhs highlights perceptions of cultural identities and belongings. The spatial and social mobilities of this population offer insights into how the livelihoods and lived experiences of people are changing in Mongolia. For information about the project, photos, publications and more, see the links to my work on transnationalism and immobility in Mongolia.
List of Publications
Barcus, H.R. Fluidity and Persistence of Cultural Narratives: Heritage Tourism Consumption and Production in Western Mongolia. Science & Technology Development Journal. Journal of Science and Technology Development (ISSN: 1859-0128) (PRINT FORTHCOMING).
Barcus, H.R. & Shugatai, A. 2018. Immobile Populations as Anchors of Rural Ethnic Identity: Narratives of Place and Migration in the Global South. Invited paper for Special Issue of Population, Space and Place 24(4):