Raymond Rogers

DeWitt Wallace Professor
Stratigraphy and Paleontology/Taphonomy
Olin-Rice Science Center, 111
[email protected]
Website: http://www.rogerslab.weebly.com
My research is focused on sedimentary geology and vertebrate taphonomy. With regard to the rocks, I am most interested in terrestrial depositional systems. My work to date has focused on the reconstruction of nonmarine depositional systems and the application of sequence stratigraphic methods in nonmarine records. With regard to the fossils, I have spent most of my time exploring the taphonomy of dinosaur-bearing rocks. My work on rocks and dinosaurs (and dinosaur precursors) has taken me to the Cretaceous foreland basin of Montana, the Triassic Ischigualasto Basin of Argentina, the Triassic-Jurassic Karoo-equivalent rocks of southern Zimbabwe, and the Mahajanga Basin of Madagascar. I am fortunate to teach a selection of courses that relate to my research interests, including: (1) History and Evolution of Earth (GEOL 155), (2) Paleobiology (of both Vertebrates and Invertebrates), and (3) Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (GEOL 265).