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2011 Honors Projects

Allison Jacobel

Advisor: Louisa Bradtmiller

Southern Hemisphere Climate Variability During the Last Interglacial: ice rafted debris and the Patagonian Ice Sheet

Karen Jackson

Advisor: Kelly MacGregor

Sediment Transport and Flow Dynamics of Indianhead Reservoir, St Croix River, MN/WI: Implications for downstream native mussel habitat

Bradley Andres

Advisor: Kristi Curry Rogers

Tracking Bone Taphonomy at the Microstructural Scale: A Cretaceous Case Study

Jacqueline Kutvirt

Advisor: Kelly MacGregor

Holocene Fire History and Paleoenvironmental Change in Eastern Glacier National Park, Montana, USA

Emma Locatelli

Advisor: Louisa Bradtmiller

Vegetation History of the Late Holocene in East Glacier National Park, Montana: A Paleoenvironmental Study

Deirdre Ratigan

Advisor: Raymond Rogers

Using Experimental Taphonomy to Replicate Bone Alteration in the Judith River Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Montana)