2021 Honors Projects
Kendall Ford
Advisor: Alan Chapman
Examining the Late-Cretaceous Shallow Subduction Event of the Farallon Plate in the Western United States: Zircon Dating the Schist of Sierra de Salinas
Chloe Kahn
Advisor: Ray Rogers
Evidence of Bone Modification in Vertebrate Microfossil Bonebeds of the Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation, Montana
Jill Kirk
Advisor: Alan Chapman
Constraining the Timing of Metamorphism of The Schist of Sierra de Salinas and Preceding Subduction of the Farallon plate using U-Pb Zircon Age Analysis
Emily Lugthart
Advisor: Anna Lindquist
Classifying roadside soil pollution using magnetic susceptibility and uXRF
Josh Stephenson
Advisor: Kelly MacGregor
Fire History: Sedimentary charcoal record spanning 2000+ years from Fishercap Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
Evan Unruh-Friesen
Advisor: Alan Chapman
The Western Baja Terrane: Detrital Zircon Geochronology and Evidence for Mesozoic Plateau Subduction along the Western Margin