Co-Curricular Activities
German StudiesHumanities Building, Room 209 651-696-6374
651-696-6428 (fax)
In addition to classroom instruction, students of German have access to a variety of co-curricular activities to expand their language proficiency and broaden their cultural knowledge. These include:
- monthly Kaffeestunden at the German House
- annual events Oktoberfest, St. Niklaustag, Karnival at the German House
- frequent Filmabende at the German House
Individual courses often have guest speakers, and these events are generally open to the larger German-speaking community. Additionally, there are regular course-related or general department field trips to such destinations as the Minneapolis Institute of arts, or concerts, opera and theater performances, or films. Upcoming speakers and events are advertised in the Macalester Mac Daily email newsletter, the German Department Instagram account, the German email list serve, and posted on the Macalester online Events Calendar.