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Sexual and Reproductive Care

The Hamre Center for Health and Wellness offers a range of sexual and reproductive health care options including physical and mental health care. Our goal is to provide care in a way that is as transparent and accessible as possible so that you feel safe, seen, and respected. We want to help you connect with the resources to make an informed decision and live a healthy lifestyle. 

We believe that you have the right to your own bodily and sexual autonomy and will be treated with dignity and respect at the Hamre Center. We acknowledge that the language we use for certain body parts might not be the language that you use to describe your own body. During your visit, please let your provider know which terms you use for your own body parts so that we can make your visit as comfortable as possible by using the same terms. 

If you would like to schedule a medical or mental health appointment, you can contact the clinic at 651-696-6275.

Have questions? Check out our FAQs!

Reproductive Justice Statement

The Hamre Center has always been a place that values reproductive justice, choice, and patient autonomy. As always, we will continue to offer all-options for pregnancy counseling, including referring patients for pregnancy termination to local resources. Minnesota’s highest court has recognized the right to an abortion under the Minnesota Constitution. Governor Walz affirmed this on May 4th, 2022, stating: “Let me be clear: there will never be an abortion ban in Minnesota under my watch. The right to an abortion will be respected in our state as long as I am in office.”

However, we acknowledge that for many students, they are living in states or countries where access to safe and legal abortions may be severely limited. As always, the impact of laws restricting access to health fall unevenly and impact our students with historically marginalized identities.

Hamre is eager to help with long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) counseling, access to pregnancy prevention, and sexual and reproductive health for all genders. 

A reminder that pregnancy prevention, if relevant for you or partners, is the responsibility of all sexually active people to consider and discuss. While the decision of how to manage this is, of course, up to the person with a uterus – partners can share the management of the logistics, resources, and cost. 
This may be a really good time to explore LARCs (such as intrauterine devices or the implant) or shorter term birth control options like pills, patches, and rings) and to have a supply of emergency contraception on hand. Some of these options can be accessed at the Hamre Center as well as other sexual health clinics such as Planned Parenthood. The Planned Parenthood website also includes additional information about birth control options and emergency contraception.

Medical Services

  • Emergency Contraception

    Emergency contraception is available at the Hamre Center and at a vending machine in the Leonard Center. We have two brands available to you, Plan B and Ella. These are also known as the morning after pill. You can pick up Plan B without an appointment or prescription from a medical provider by stopping by our front desk during business hours and/or you can find it in the vending machine in the Leonard Center across from the athletic classrooms. The cost of Plan B from the vending machine is $18. Ella requires a medical prescription and an appointment. For Ella, call our office at 651.696.6275 to schedule an appointment. If you are on the Macalester student health insurance and you are going through the Hamre Center, there is no charge for either brand. If you are not on the Macalester student health insurance, the cost for Plan B and/or Ella is $15.

    If you require EC outside of office hours it is available to any person 17 or over, of any gender, without a prescription from local pharmacies.

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Screening, Testing, and Treatment

    You may have genital testing for STIs without any clinician touching or examining you. People of any gender may pee in a cup; people who have a vagina can either pee in a cup or self-swab for some STI testing. Your provider will talk to you about what type of testing and lab collection is the right fit for you. There is a charge for lab tests.

    Some people prefer to get their STI testing or care off campus for insurance, privacy, or any other reasons. For those that are open to getting testing on campus at the Hamre center, you may call 651-696-6275 to make an appointment or see if online scheduling is available for this service via the patient portal.

  • HIV prevention: PeP and PrEP

    Medical providers at the Hamre center can prescribe PeP (post-exposure prophylaxis) and PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) for HIV prevention with a medical appointment. This includes meeting with a provider, obtaining informed consent about the specific prescriptions, lab work and lab monitoring, and sending the prescription to be obtained at a local pharmacy. The pharmacy you use is up to you and/or your insurance company preferences. The cost of PeP and PrEP prescriptions varies by your insurance company. The visit to meet with a provider and discuss PeP and PrEP is free of charge. The labs to monitor safety will not be done unless you agree and understand the costs associated with them. If you desire to obtain these services off-campus, Hamre center providers can help you find the best and/or most affordable location.

  • Sexual Health Concerns for All Genders

    We provide evaluation, testing and treatment for common vaginal, vulvar, penile, or anal infections. We also are here to answer questions about sexual function (such as lubrication or erections), sexual desire, and well-being. To speak with and have an exam with a medical provider is always free of charge. Only labs, tests, and vaccines have charges associated with them, and this will always be discussed with you and consent obtained, before doing them.

  • Pregnancy Prevention

    We offer counseling, management, and prescriptions for pregnancy prevention. There are many birth control options available to you, and it is important to find a method that is right for you. Our medical providers will meet with you to present you with all of the information and knowledge you need to make a decision. To explore options prior to your appointment, visit here,

    Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) and the Implant

    We do not offer IUDs or the Implant (Nexplanon) at our office. If you are interested in either option, we would refer you to our community clinics for support. IUDs and/or the Implant can be used as a long-acting contraception option that will work continuously to prevent pregnancy. An IUD is a tiny device that is put inside your uterus. There are two types of IUDs, copper and hormonal. The copper IUD, Paragard, can be used as an emergency contraception option for up to 5 days after intercourse. The implant, Nexplanon or Implanon, is an implant placed under the skin of your upper arm. If you are interested in getting an IUD and/or the Implant, you can call our community resources to help you choose the best option for you. 

    Family Tree Clinic
    1919 Nicollet Ave,
    Minneapolis, MN 55403

    Planned Parenthood
    671 Vandalia St.,
    Saint Paul, MN 55114

    You can find the most up to date and accurate public transit information from the metro transit trip planner website or download the Metro Transit App.

    Current Macalester students can get a free Universal Pass (provides unlimited rides on all Metro Transit bus and light rail trains). To get your free pass, please bring your Macalester ID to the Information Desk in the Campus Center. For more information visit the information desk website.

  • Pregnancy Testing & Comprehensive Counseling of All Options, including Referral to Abortion Clinics

    Urine pregnancy testing is available by appointment and free of charge at the Hamre center. All Hamre center providers are committed to offering all-options counseling to pregnant patients including referrals to local abortion clinics. Local abortion clinics can offer either medical (taking a prescription pill) or surgical abortions since these services are not available at college health clinics such as the Hamre center. 

    Abortion clinic community resources:

  • Free Condoms, Dental Dams, and Other Sexual Health Supplies

    There are several ways that you can access free condoms, dental dams, and other sexual health supplies: (1) Complete the Anonymous Safer Sex Kit  request online, (2) Pick them up from a basket outside the Hamre Center, and (3) From the Sexual Health supply kits in the Residence Halls.

What to Expect at your Medical Visit

  • General Things to Know about your Visit

    Like any encounter with a medical professional, there are often power and privilege dynamics at play. Therefore, it is our job to ensure that you have choice and control over your body throughout the appointment. We will explain to you what each step is before it happens, and ask for your consent to proceed or not. Learn more about Sensitive Medical Exam Guidelines.  

    If you have capacity to offer feedback, tell your medical provider you have suggestions for improving your comfort. You may bring a comfort item with you. You can also let your provider know if you would like to bring someone you know and trust into the room with you. Likewise, if you feel uncomfortable at any time, let your provider know, and the exam will immediately stop. 

    If you need to have a medical provider of a specific gender identity for religious, personal or cultural reasons, Hamre Center will make every effort to accommodate your preferences.

    If you need to remove your clothing to be examined, you will be given a gown or sheet. Only the parts of your body being examined should be uncovered. If the gown or sheet is too big or too small, let your provider know.

    Your body, your health, your rules!

  • Medical History Questions

    When taking a medical history, your provider might ask you questions about:

    • Your general physical and mental health and well-being
    • Your alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other drug use
    • Your sexual and relationship health and well-being
    • Family history of certain medical conditions
    • Present or past trauma

    Know that your responses are confidential in accordance with the law and that they allow your medical provider to make the most appropriate recommendations. However, it is always your right to refuse to answer any questions that you don’t want to answer.

  • Sexual Activity Questions

    You may not be comfortable talking about your sexuality and might wonder why your medical provider needs to know so many detailed questions about it. Here are some reasons why your provider needs to ask specific details about your sexual health in order to give you the best care possible:

    • Each sexually transmitted infection (STI), including HIV, has its own test. You might need to provide a urine sample for one test, for example, while another test might require that you get swabbed or have blood drawn.
    • Infections can be found in the throat and rectum, too, so it is important for your provider to know which body parts have been involved in sexual activity.
    • It takes time for STIs, including HIV, to be detected by a test. So, your sexual practices can influence how often you should get yourself tested.
    • The best birth control (if applicable) for you can depend on several factors, such as how often condoms are used or your relationship style(s).
    • Safer sex is not just about condoms, and you might engage in sexual activity in which condoms cannot be used.  So, safer sex recommendations depend on your specific practices.

    Know that your responses are confidential in accordance with the law, and that they allow your medical provider to make the most appropriate recommendations. However, it is always your right to refuse to answer any questions that you don’t want to answer.

  • Conclusion of your Visit

    Ask any questions about follow-up care, make plans for your next appointment, and congratulate yourself – you’ve taken important steps to safeguard your health by participating in this appointment.

  • Clinical Attendant Policy

    Any student has the right to request a clinical attendant during a sensitive exam, regardless of your gender identity/expression or the gender identity/expression of your medical provider. Please let us know if you would like an attendant present during your exam. 

    If the provider identifies as a man, he most likely has a clinical attendant with him when performing most sensitive exams. He will talk with you about this or if you prefer to bring your own friend/attendant that is an option.

Mental Health Services

We provide individual counseling for students seeking therapeutic support to enhance overall well-being by fostering a positive and empowered approach to addressing one’s sexual and reproductive lives. Everyone’s experiences and needs are unique, and counseling for sexual and reproductive health is tailored to each individual aimed at addressing a range of concerns related to sexuality, relationships, and reproductive well-being. This can include discussions about the emotional aspects of contraception, family planning, sexually transmitted infections, sexual dysfunction, and other related topics. Generally, the goal of individual counseling is to talk through concerns and help you heal, grow, and move towards a more satisfying and meaningful life. It is an opportunity to explore feelings, thoughts, behaviors, beliefs and build self-awareness, to receive support and guidance, to consider solutions to life’s challenges, and to set personal goals to work toward change. You will work with a trained mental health counselor in a caring and private environment.

To schedule a one-on-one individual counseling appointment, you can: 1. Fill out the Request an Initial Individual Counseling Appointment form, 2. Call our front desk at 651-696-6275, 3. Stop by our office in the Leonard Center,  4. Email us at [email protected], or 5. Contact a counselor via email or phone directly. 

Sexual Health Resources

American Sexual Health Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health of individuals, families, and communities with a focus on sexually transmitted disease prevention.

Planned Parenthood contains tons of information about sexuality, birth control, and women’s health issues.

Macalester’s Sexual Respect webpage has information about sexual violence/domestic abuse resources and Title IX.

Title IX Reporting Process

Macalester College encourages anyone who has experienced sexual misconduct (sex or gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating/intimate partner violence, domestic violence, or stalking) to report the incident to the College so the College can investigate the report and take appropriate responsive action. For more information about this, visit the Title IX web page.


Advocates on college campuses play a crucial role in providing confidential support, resources, and guidance to individuals who have experienced domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other forms of sexual misconduct. Their primary focus is to ensure that survivors receive the necessary assistance to navigate the aftermath of such incidents and to promote a safer campus environment overall. 

As part of our Department of Justice grant, Macalester has partnered with local organizations, Ramsey County SOS, Saint Paul Intervention Project, OutFront MN, and Isuroon to offer drop-in hours on our campus. Students are encouraged to stop by the Hamre Wellness Lounge (Leonard Center 062) during the designated office hours to meet with an advocate! No scheduling necessary.

These days/times are effective for the 2024-2025 academic year when classes are in session:

OutFront MN

LGBTQIA2s+ Sexual Violence Support: 

Mondays, 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM


Saint Paul Intervention Project

Domestic/Dating Violence Support

Tuesdays, 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM


Ramsey County SOS

Sexual Violence Support

Wednesdays, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM



East African and Afghan Sexual Violence Support

Thursdays, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM


Questions?  Contact Paige Olowu at [email protected].


  • Q: What is informed consent?

    A: In the context of health care, “informed consent” means that we will present you with all of the information and knowledge you need to make a decision so you understand the impact it may have on the biological, psychological, and social domains of your life. This includes, but not limited to sharing risks and benefits, potential positive and negative outcomes, offering you resources and support for continued understanding, allowing space for questions, and giving you opportunity to communicate your choice and decide if you want to move forward.

    We are very committed to providing you with lots of education and information so that you can make the best decisions about your own body and health care. We trust that you know yourself better than anyone. 

    We also encourage you to continue connecting with the community and accessing many of the resources and knowledge outside of our office, so that support and information continues to be accessible to you with or without seeking medical or mental health services from our office.

  • Q. How do I get started?

    A: Call our front office at 651-696-6275 to schedule an appointment. Depending on the time of year, first-time medical appointments may have a 1-4 week wait and first-time mental health appointments may have a 2-3 week wait from the time of your call.

  • Q: How much will this cost?

    A: It depends. Our goal is to make hormone care as affordable as possible. There is no cost for medical visits, talking with providers, and/or getting physical exams (with your consent). When medical labs or prescriptions are agreed upon by you and your provider, we will discuss anticipated costs or options with you. See Hamre Center list of charges document. Our mental health counseling services are free and available to all Macalester students regardless of your class/year.

  • Q: How can I give feedback about my experience at the Hamre Center?

    A: Your feedback is very important to us. We encourage and invite feedback about our work with you, successes, and areas for improvement. If we make a mistake, you do not feel safe and respected in our care, and/or there is something about your care that you’d like to offer feedback on, below are several options to do so. 

    1. Anonymous Feedback Form
    2. Direct email to Jen Jacobsen, Hamre Center Executive Director

    We acknowledge the emotional labor that goes into offering feedback, especially after experiencing harm. If you do not have capacity to offer us your emotional labor with feedback, we understand. If you have limited capacity, please be sure to prioritize your care first and foremost. If you do choose to contact us, please know it is our hope to not only deeply hear what you offer, but also give options to you about what we can do to repair and/or correct what went wrong in a way that feels centered on the impacts you experienced.


Updated by Hannah Bech December 2024