Tim Hart-Andersen
Macalester College Board Trustee, High Winds Fund Committee Member
Tim has served as Senior Minister at Westminster Presbyterian Church and Moderator of the Westminster Town Hall Forum since 1999.
As the leader of the large, active congregation, he preaches almost all Sundays September through June, leads the work of the dynamic staff, and provides strategic direction as the congregation thinks creatively about the future. With the Westminster Town Hall Forum Tim moderates community-wide conversations about key issues of our time, broadcast on Minnesota Public Radio.
Tim is passionate about Westminster’s mission to be fully engaged in the city and in transforming lives and systems in pursuit of the love and justice of Jesus Christ. The congregation recently completed an $81.5 million project to expand the facility, add parking, and fund mission in the community.
Tim serves on the Macalester College Board of Trustees, the Minneapolis Downtown Council, and the Downtown Interfaith Clergy.
Born in Kansas and raised in Chicago, Tim earned his undergraduate degree from Northern Illinois University, master’s degrees from University of Texas, Austin, and McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, and a doctorate from San Francisco Theological Seminary.