Niloy Ray

High Winds Fund Committee Member
Niloy Ray is a Shareholder at Littler and a member of Littler’s eDiscovery Group. Niloy has a nationwide practice specializing in the litigation of critical eDiscovery issues and challenges. Niloy routinely advises clients on efficiently meeting preservation and “meet and confer” obligations, developing strategies for effective data harvesting, review and production, implementing cost-shifting/cost reduction techniques, and addressing the admissibility and authentication of electronic evidence.
Before joining Littler, Niloy was at another multinational law firm, where his practice focused on commercial litigation in federal and state courts in complex tort, antitrust and contract matters. He regularly represented energy utilities in regulatory proceedings and related litigation, and conducted internal investigations for Fortune 500 and academic clients. He has broad experience in all facets of trial practice and has chaired trials in state and federal court.
Prior to attending law school, Niloy spent several years coding, designing, and leading the development of supply chain software applications for Retek Inc., now part of Oracle.
Niloy was born and raised in India. He graduated from Macalester in 1999 with degrees in Mathematics and Economics. He and his wife Juliane Ray (also Mac Alum, Econ/Int’l Studies ’01) returned to St. Paul in 2014. Niloy is currently serving his third year on the Alumni Board, is Chair of the Mac Career Connections Working Group and coaches the Macalester Mock Trial Team. He is also active in various alumni efforts as a Class Agent, Reunion Committee member, and a regular volunteer at on-campus events (with Julie). They have hosted International Students for the past five years and recently became landlords to Macalester students. Niloy, Julie and their children live across the street from campus and are committed to calling that home for the rest of their lives.