Lauren Henry

Visiting Assistant Professor
Old Main 300
[email protected]
Lauren Henry is a Visiting Assistant Professor in Modern European and Jewish History. Her research explores the intersections of race, ethnicity, and nation-building in modern France and its colonies. Her dissertation, entitled “Squaring the Hexagon: Alsace and the Making of French Algeria, 1830-1945,” reconstructed a century of trans-Mediterranean migration by soldiers, settlers, workers and refugees; it is currently in revision for publication. At Macalester, Dr. Henry is teaching courses on the post-war European history and the history of the Holocaust. This spring, she will be “rewinding” from the postwar era to teach courses on the age of European revolutions and World Wars I and II. She is also teaching a thematic class on the history of antisemitism, which will examine the tragic continued relevance of the world’s most ancient form of hatred.