Michael Porter
Kofi Annan Institute for Global Citizenship (IGC)Markim Hall, Third Floor 651-696-6655
651-696-6750 (fax)
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Director, Internship Program
Kagin Commons, 107
[email protected]
It is my role to do everything within my power to promote and facilitate experiential learning for students at Macalester College. Most importantly, it is my job to baffle students with the wealth of possibilities that exist for each and every one! I help students brainstorm ideas, search for options, and prepare for the hard work of finding a winning option. Once procured, I make certain the experience is a positive, productive one through administrative oversight and site visits. I work with faculty to help them appreciate the educational value of internships, and how they may be effective sponsors for students. I also engage the community by helping connect as many bright, enthusiastic Mac students with placements that meet the functional needs of partner organizations.
I have 21 years experience in the world of experiential education/internships, in both healthcare and higher education. Prior to this, I spent 15 years in the mental health/chemical dependency field as a clinician, supervisor, and administrator. Before this, I was pretty much a child.