Bethany L. Miller
Institutional Research77 Macalester Street, Room 202C 651-696-6265 (Director)
651-696-6411 (Assistant Director)
651-696-6600 (fax)

Associate Provost & Chief Data Officer
77 Macalester Street, 202c
[email protected]
Bethany joined the IR&A office at Macalester in 2020. She received her Ph.D. in Research, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment from the University of Southern Mississippi. Her research interests include equity, student success, and inclusive excellence. She is active in regional and national organizations related to Institutional Research and Assessment including Association for Institutional Research (AIR), Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS), and Association for Institutional Research of the Upper Midwest (AIRUM); and is a frequent presenter at regional and national conferences on topics related to assessment and student success. View LinkedIn Profile