About the IRB
The goal of the IRB is to ensure that researchers understand and uphold the following standards:
- Human subjects should not be placed at undue risk;
- Subjects give informed consent to their participation in the research;
- Participation in research is voluntary.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Macalester College is subject to the regulations of the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) within the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). The Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (a.k.a. “the Common Rule,” as revised in 2018) requires that all research on human subjects must be reviewed in advance by an IRB to ensure it is consistent with ethical standards. Macalester College has filed a “Federal Wide Assurance” (FWA) with the HHS stating that the College will comply with federal standards on all research with human subjects regardless of whether a project is directly funded by a federal agency. Macalester’s IRB reports directly to the Provost.
The Provost has charged the IRB with the following responsibilities:
- Periodic review of guidelines for conducting research involving human subjects at Macalester College and recommendations for changes;
- Education of the community regarding legal requirements and ethics for conducting such research;
- Review of requests from outside agencies for research on campus;
- Review of research funded by the Federal Government;
- Review of research proposals by Macalester faculty, students, staff, and college committees;
- Consultation with those engaged in on-campus research as needed;
- Monitor the information provided to research participants to ensure their informed consent; and
- Consultation with members of the community who might have complaints or concerns about Macalester College-based research involving human subjects.
IRB Composition
Macalester’s IRB includes at least six members of the faculty, at least one staff member, and at least one community member with no other affiliations to the College (e.g., someone who is not an employee or student and is not a member of the immediate household of an employee or student). Members serve a two-year term, which is renewable. The committee must include at least one scientist and one non-scientist. Efforts should be made to have a balance of gender, ethnicity, and disciplinary specialties on the board. The chair of the IRB is selected by the Provost and serves a three-year term.
Members of the Macalester IRB, 2024-2025 academic year:
- Erik Davis, Ph.D. (Professor of Religious Studies)
- Shanti Freitas, Ed.M. (Center for Study Away)
- Geoffrey Gorham, Ph.D. (Professor of Philosophy)
- Cari Gillen-O’Neel (Associate Professor of Psychology)
- Steve Guglielmo, Ph.D. (IRB Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology)
- Justin Kader, M.A. (Center for Study Away)
- Andrew Latham, Ph.D. (Professor of Political Science)
- Keira Leneman (Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology)
- Bethany Miller, Ph.D. (Institutional Research)
- Lisa Mueller, Ph.D. (Associate Professor of Political Science)
- Annie Pezalla (Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology)
- Dan Trudeau, Ph.D. (Professor of Geography)
- Jennifer Valorose, M.P.P. (Community Member)