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Publications and Awards

  • Awards

    Liliana Olivo Brunner ’22, has received a Fulbright award to conduct research in history in Brazil.

    Georgia Gempler ’17, has received a Fulbright ETA award to teach in Brazil starting in February 2018, in Sobral, Ceará state.

    Natalie Kronebusch ’17, has received Fulbright ETA fellowship in Brazil.

    Wei Fen Rachel Tan ’17, recipient of the 2017 Presidential Leadership Award.

    Diego Melo Ascensio, won a four-year Fulbright to pursue a PhD in Latin American geography at Colorado University.

    Ilana Budenosky ’17, received the Hamre Award. The award honors students who live out the mission of the college not only by promoting one or more of Macalester’s stated values, but also by demonstrating a genuine love of the community through service to the college.

    Georgia Gempler ’17,  won Macalester’s Global Citizenship award as well as an award for Student Educator of the Year.

    Elsa Goossen, Gateway Prize for Excellent Writing in the Fine Arts Division for Border Songs:  Supporting Transnational Freedoms? (2015).

    Caroline Davidson, First Place Term Paper, Minnesota Economic Association Undergraduate Student Paper Contest (2012).

    Julia Smith ’11, won the Princeton in Latin America fellowship (2012-13)

  • Student Publications

    Leif Johnson.  2011.  “Material Interventions on the US–Mexico Border: Investigating a Sited Politics of Migrant Solidarity.”  Antipode (April).

    Julia Smith.  2011.  “The Essential Role of Education in the Microfinance Strategy: A Commentary on Contemporary Neoliberalism.” Journal of Undergraduate International Studies, Vol. 11 (Fall): 64-75.

  • Conference Presentations

    Wei Fen Rachel Tan ’17, presented at the Latin American Studies Student Association (ILASSA) Conference.

    Georgia Gempler ’17, presented at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG).

    Adan Martinez ’16, presented at the Latin American Studies Student Association (ILASSA) Conference.

    Francesca Zepeda ’16, presented at the Latin American Studies Student Association (ILASSA) Conference.

    Francesca Zepeda ’16, presented at the North Central Council of Latin Americanists (NCCLA) Conference.

    Professor Paul Dosh and Julia Smith ’11 win research award.  At the 2014 meeting of the North Central Council of Latin Americanists, Dosh and Smith’s paper, “Metropolitan Mayors Against Neoliberalism?  Urban Development and the Left in Lima and Mexico City,” received the Kersten Professional Research Award for the paper best contributing to new knowledge of Latin America.

    Marian Michaels “La revolución será feminista o no será”: La maracha de las putas, art, and intersectional feminism in Ecuador,” paper presented at Institute of Latin American Studies Student Association, University of Texas (February 2015)

    Jeanne Stuart “Political Agency in the Era of Obama and Evo: Local Legacies of Contestation in Atlanta and La Paz,” paper presented at the Institute of Latin American Studies Student Association, University of Texas (February 2014).

    Rebecca Jackson “Broadcasting Decolonization: Community Media in El Alto, Bolivia,” paper presented at the Institute of Latin American Studies Student Association, University of Texas (February 2013).

    Leif Johnson, “Concientización: Framing Processes and Mobilization in the Migrant Solidarity Movement,” paper presented at the Institute of Latin American Studies Student Association, University of Texas (February 3-5, 2011).

  • Student-Faculty Collaboration

    Paul Dosh, Julia Smith, and Ximena Rodríguez Medina, “Lima’s Leftist Mayor Defeated by Four Years of Right-Wing Attacks,” NACLA: North American Congress on Latin America (November 25, 2014).

    Julia Smith and Paul Dosh, “Choosing Lima’s New Mayor amid Scandal and Transit Reform,” NACLA: North American Congress on Latin America (October 1, 2014).

    Paul Dosh and Julia Smith, “What Happened to Progressive Politics?” NACLA: North American Congress on Latin America (August 27, 2014).

    Paul Dosh and Nicole Kligerman. “Women’s Voices on the Executive Council: Popular Organizations and Resource Battles in Bolivia and Ecuador,” Latin American Perspectives 37, 4 (July 2010): 214-237.

    Paul Dosh, Nicole Kligerman, James Lerager, and Jesús Valencia. “Portraits of Leadership: Women and Resource Battles in Bolivia and Ecuador,” Documentary Photography & Research Project (October 2010).

    Paul Dosh and Nicole Kligerman. “Correa vs. Social Movements: Showdown in Ecuador,” NACLA Report on the Americas 42, 5 (September 2009): 21-24. “Correa vs. Movimientos Sociales: Conflicto en Ecuador,” translated by César Flores.

    Paul Dosh and Nicole Kligerman. “Under Fire: Ecuador’s Acción Ecológica,” NACLA Report on the Americas 42, 5 (September 2009).  “Bajo Fuego: Acción Ecológica de Ecuador,” translated by César Flores.

  • Faculty News

    Professor Amy Damon receives Jack and Marty Rossmann Excellence in Teaching Award (2023)

    Professor Erika Busse-Cárdenas is 2023 USMEX Fellow for  with her project “Reconfigured Motherhood Amid the Securitization of the U.S.-Mexico Border: The Case of DREAMers’ Moms USA-Tijuana”.

    Professor Erika Busse-Cárdenas receives Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award (2021) for her leadership as an outstanding mentor for Mellon-Mays Undergraduate Fellows and first-generation BIPOC students.

    Professor Olga González was named Associate Dean, Institute for Global Citizenship

    Professor Paul Dosh published “Urban Popular Movements in Latin America” (2019) in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press.

    Professor Ernesto Capello’s Journal of Historical Geography article, “From imperial pyramids to anti colonial sundials: commemorating and contesting French geodesy in Ecuador,” was nominated and highly commended for the JHG 2018 Essay Prize; In fall 2019, he was the inaugural Phillip Lee Phillips Society Fellow at the Library of Congress’ Geography and Map Room. He is conducting research for his forthcoming book, Mapping Mountains.

    Professor Ernesto Capello received a Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowship for Recently Tenured Scholars. Burkhardt Fellowships support recently tenured faculty as they pursue long-term projects in the humanities and related social sciences.  During the 2017-2018 academic year, Capello was in residence at Columbia University’s Institute of Latin American Studies. He worked on a project titled, “Equator Imagined: Commemorating Geodesic Science in the Andes.”

    Professor Alicia Muñoz was named Associate Dean, Institute for Global Citizenship

    Professor Eric Carter received a pair of prestigious grants to support his research and teaching in Latin America: an American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellowship and a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award.

  • Latin American Studies Award for Excellence and Innovation

    This award recognizes a Latin American Studies student for academic excellence and scholarly innovation, including original field or archival research.

    2023-Liliana Olivo Brunner

    2022-Michael Moreno

    2021-Teresa Padrón

    2020-Susy Morales

    2019-Margaret Mischka

    2018-Giselle Lora

    2017-Georgia Gempler

    2016-Francesca Zepeda

    2015-Madeleine Blain

    2014-Jeanne Stuart

    2013- Caroline Davidson

    2012-Kaitlyn Henderson

  • James B. Stewart Award for Engaged Scholarship in Latin American Studies

    This award recognizes a Latin American Studies student with a demonstrated commitment to the integration of scholarship and community engagement.  The award honors the work of Emeritus History Professor Jim Stewart, founder of Macalester’s Latin American Studies program and an expert on the processes and politics of conquest, labor systems, and slavery in the Americas.  In 2010 he founded Historians Against Slavery, a 21st century abolitionist group dedicated to harnessing historical knowledge to combat modern slavery.

    Nominations invited every year, but may be awarded in alternate years at the discretion of the awards committee.

    2023-Zaryn Prussia

    2021-Gretta Marston-Lari

    2020-Max Danielewicz

    2019-Hallie Kircher-Henning

    2018-Valentina Hidalgo-Mendoza

    2017-Wei Fen Rachel Tan

    2017-Maru Melendez Margarida

    2016-Adan Martinez

    2016-Lena Pransky

    2015-Elsa Goossen

    2014-Gabriella Gómez

    2013-Isela Xitlali Gómez Ramírez

    2012-Diego Melo Ascensio