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Shared Findings

As part of a college committed to civic engagement, it is important that thesis writers somehow share at least a portion of their research with constituencies beyond the Macalester campus community.  There are diverse ways to fulfill this important requirement of the LAS Honors Program. 

Some students present a version of their project at an academic conference or submit their findings for publication in an undergraduate journal or other community periodical.  Other possibilities include arranging a guest class lecture or public talk at a high school or nearby college or university.  Many grassroots groups and religious communities involved in work in Latin America also host guest speakers. 

For some projects, it may be appropriate to share a shorter version (in translation) of the project with an organization or community in Latin America that is affected by the issues studied in the thesis.  Thesis committee members and the Honors Coordinator can provide guidance in selecting a forum for sharing the research findings, but it is fundamentally the thesis writer’s responsibility to seek out and choose an appropriate and effective publication or presentation venue.