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Class Schedules

Fall 2024 Spring 2025

Fall 2024

Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information

Num. / Sec. / CRN Name Days Time Room Instructor
PHIL 121-01 10594 Introduction to Ethics Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: MAIN 009 Instructor: Samuel Asarnow

PHIL 121-F1 10595 Introduction to Ethics Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: MAIN 009 Instructor: Samuel Asarnow

*First-Year Course Only*

HIST 137-01 10418 From Confederation to Confederacy: US History from Independence to Civil War Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: LIBR 250 Instructor: Linda Sturtz

POLI 206-01 10648 US Constitutional Law and Thought Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Patrick Schmidt

AMST 209-01 10427 Civil Rights in the United States Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: MAIN 010 Instructor: Walter Greason

*Cross-listed with HIST 209-01 (10426)*

HIST 209-01 10426 Civil Rights in the United States Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: MAIN 010 Instructor: Walter Greason

*Cross-listed with AMST 209-01 (10427)*

PHIL 220-01 10901 Bioethics Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: MAIN 111 Instructor: Amy Ihlan

PHIL 224-01 10598 Philosophy of Law Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: HUM 214 Instructor: Sumeet Patwardhan

ENGL 310-01 10291 Studies in Shakespeare: Shakespeare and Justice Days: W Time: 01:10 pm-04:30 pm Room: THEATR 101 Instructor: Penelope Geng

PSYC 377-01 10686 Moral Psychology Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: OLRI 301 Instructor: Steve Guglielmo

Spring 2025

Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information

Num. / Sec. / CRN Name Days Time Room Instructor
INTL 114-01 30364 Intro to International Studies: International Codes of Conduct Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: CARN 404 Instructor: James von Geldern

INTL 114-02 30365 Intro to International Studies: International Codes of Conduct Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: CARN 404 Instructor: James von Geldern

PHIL 121-01 30514 Introduction to Ethics Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: MAIN 010 Instructor: Sumeet Patwardhan

PHIL 121-02 30515 Introduction to Ethics Days: M W F Time: 03:30 pm-04:30 pm Room: MAIN 010 Instructor: Sumeet Patwardhan

ENGL 140-01 30201 Once Upon a Crime Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: THEATR 203 Instructor: Penelope Geng

POLI 207-01 30561 US Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Patrick Schmidt

AMST 226-01 30345 American Indian History since 1871 Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: MAIN 010 Instructor: Katrina Phillips

*Cross-listed with HIST 226-01 (30344)*

HIST 226-01 30344 American Indian History since 1871 Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: MAIN 010 Instructor: Katrina Phillips

*Cross-listed with AMST 226-01 (30345)*

SOCI 280-01 30643 Indigenous Peoples' Movements in Global Context Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Erik Larson

*Cross-listed with INTL 280-01 (30644)*

HIST 294-01 30357 Religion and Law in Africa Days: M W F Time: 12:00 pm-01:00 pm Room: CARN 404 Instructor: Tara Hollies

*Cross-listed with RELI 294-05 (30358)*

RELI 294-05 30358 Religion and Law in Africa Days: M W F Time: 12:00 pm-01:00 pm Room: CARN 404 Instructor: Tara Hollies

*Cross-listed with HIST 294-01 (30357)*

SOCI 310-01 30647 Law and Society Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Erik Larson

POLI 394-01 30573 Constitutionalism Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: MAIN 003 Instructor: Patrick Schmidt

INTL 487-01 30383 Senior Seminar: Globalization and its Discontents Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: CARN 411 Instructor: James von Geldern