Publishing @ Mac
Publishing and Open Access
The Macalester College Library staff work to create increased opportunities for diverse voices from our community to contribute to scholarly publication. The library provides staff expertise and publishing through the institutional repository, Digital Commons @Macalester.
We support open access (OA) as a publishing model that facilitates knowledge dissemination to a broader audience and is congruent with our work to be responsible stewards of limited resources. Sustainable OA models not only provide free access to scholarship, but also help level the playing field for early career researchers and others that lack the resources to pay open access publishing charges. Learn more about Open Access Initiatives that we support.
The library offers a variety of services to assist faculty, students, and staff in publishing their scholarly works as Open Access, such as:
- Hosting student Honors Projects and other student works approved by departments in our institutional repository
- Working with courses or departments to produce student journals, such as Tapestries
- Providing an educational component around copyright and fair use
- Advising faculty on Open Access book publishers such as Lever Press, and providing platforms and support for self publishing of works such as Open Educational Resources
- Advising faculty on Open Access journal publishing, author rights, and providing “green Open Access” via the Digital Commons @ Macalester institutional repository, as allowed by the publisher
Open SEAS: Open, Sustainable and Equitable Access to Scholarship
Open SEAS is a blog to engage faculty with the library scholarly communications resources, expertise, and why it matters to authors and consumers of scholarship.