Get started by attending a Study Away Info Session, then select and apply for your preferred program. The Center for Study Away, often along with professors and other students, support you throughout the process.
Where will your studies take you?
Macalester students are motivated to see the world from new perspectives. Study Away is an invaluable experience that will connect you to people and places that will stay with you long after you return.
Programs available
Macalester students study away
Typical length of program
There are many factors that will help you find your top choice for your study away experience. Courses, locations, professor-led experiences, available research, or the requirements for your major can all play a role in the decision. Rest assured, you’ll have help along the way.
Get started by attending a Study Away Info Session, then select and apply for your preferred program. The Center for Study Away, often along with professors and other students, support you throughout the process.
Your program choice has been approved, so now it’s time to study the details and prepare. Applying for a passport (or checking dates on a current passport) and planning your budget kick off the process.
Typically in either the first or second semester of your junior year, you’ll study away and immerse yourself in a new place with new people. Take advantage of all the opportunities that exist. You won’t regret it.
Ready to dive into the details? Explore programs and find planning tools from the Study Away office.