Mailing Services
Mailing ServicesRuth Stricker Dayton Campus Center, Lower Level 651-696-6294

Student Post Office (SPO)
Information Students Need to Know as School Begins
A Student PO Box (SPO) will be assigned to all students living on campus. SPO box numbers and combinations will be available on 1600Grand after the first week in August.
If you would prefer to receive an e-mail notification for your mail and claim any items received at the service window check “no” on the SPO Request form.
Students living off campus will not be assigned a SPO unless requested. Students living off campus will receive an e-mail notification when mail has been received, directing you to pick up the items at the service window (similar to the package notification). You may fill out the SPO Request form if you need a SPO during the school year. If you are studying abroad this fall and need a SPO next spring, fill out the request now. The SPO request deadline for students not living on campus is Aug. 2.
Mailing Services and SPO boxes are located in the lower level of the campus center. We offer most services available at a conventional Post Office, including selling stamps, sending mail, and shipping packages, both domestic and international.
Watch a video on how to open your SPO (YouTube)
All students are reminded that they can be more sustainable by switching to electronic statements for their bank and credit card statements.
Macalester Shipping and Mailing Address
First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name
1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105-1899
(SPO numbers are not needed for mailing and shipping.)
Postal Services & Package Pick-up
Service Window Hours
When classes are in session:
Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
When classes are NOT in session
Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
During summer break
Monday through Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
The last mail pickup
During weekdays— 3:00 p.m. Items received after 3:00 p.m. on weekdays or on Saturday will be postmarked the following business day.
Payment accepted
Cash, credit/debit card or Mac Money. Checks accepted from staff, faculty and local residents with a current photo ID.
Inquires & Comments?
Complete the Mailing Services Inquiry Google Form
Received Mail That You Are Unsure Of?
Find out more at Macalester’s Suspicious Mail