Middle Eastern Studies and Islamic Civilization
This concentration provides students with an opportunity to engage in the study of the Middle East and the broader Islamic world. Some of the objectives of the concentration include: developing a basic familiarity with the cultures and religions, politics and history, geography and economy of the Middle East and Islamic world; obtaining some understanding of the major methodological approaches involved in studying the Middle East and Islamic world; and gaining a deep appreciation of the social, political, cultural diversity and complexity of the Middle East and broader Islamic world. In this concentration, students will find ways to engage in difficult dialogues and tackle some of the major issues of the day and region. One will develop the capacity to engage thoughtfully and constructively in some of the more contentious issues affecting the region, which is a vital feature of this concentration. Students are strongly encouraged to learn at least one of the languages spoken by the people in the regions studied.
Given that students and faculty come from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, the concentration permits students to complete this concentration in conjunction with a wide array of majors/minors. The program promotes breadth by requiring that students complete courses (in several departments); it promotes depth by requiring a research paper, internship, civic engagement project or artistic work focused on a relevant topic.
Middle Eastern Studies and Islamic Civilization
Structure of the Concentration
A concentration in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies consists of six (6) courses. Students must also complete a related project, which may be done as a research paper, internship, civic engagement project or artistic work and may be a part of any course (not necessarily one of the required six) or an extracurricular activity.
Up to two study away courses may count toward the completion of the concentration. In order to ensure interdisciplinarity, no more than three courses from a single department will be accepted. Additionally, up to two courses in a Middle Eastern or Islamicate language may be used toward the six required courses.
Courses that count toward the concentration include but are not limited to the list below. Other courses may count toward the completion of the concentration with the approval of the director.
ART 280 - Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt
ART 281 - Art and Architecture of Ancient Western Asia
ART 282 - Art and Architecture of the Islamic World
ART 284 - Art and Architecture of Byzantium and Medieval Europe
CLAS 117 - Elementary Hebrew I
CLAS 130 - Early Arab and Persian Empires
CLAS 135 - India and Rome
CLAS 145 - Pagans, Christians and Jews in Classical Antiquity: Cultures in Conflict
CLAS 214 - Elementary Arabic II
CLAS 218 - Elementary Hebrew II
CLAS 237 - Intermediate Hebrew I
CLAS 241 - Intermediate Arabic I
CLAS 338 - Intermediate Hebrew II
CLAS 342 - Intermediate Arabic II
CLAS 345 - Arabic Reading and Translation
INTL 485 - Senior Seminar: Confronting Global Hatred
RELI 100 - Introduction to Islam: Formation and Expansion
RELI 102 - Modern Islam
RELI 120 - The Jewish Bible
RELI 200 - The Qur'an and the Prophet
RELI 233 - Hindus and Muslims
POLI 222 - Regional Conflict/Security
SOCI 290 - Islam and the West