Getiria Onsongo
Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer ScienceOlin-Rice Science Center, Room 222 651-696-6287
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Associate Professor
Computer Science, Bioinformatics and AgroInformatics
Olin-Rice Science Center, 124
[email protected]
Onsongo’s research is in bioinformatics with two areas of focus: improving clinical diagnostics with genomic data and computational agriculture. He partners with the International AgroInformatics Alliance at the College of Food Agriculture and Natural Resource Science at the University of Minnesota to develop a system to help prevent food shortages in sub-Saharan African countries. Previously, he was at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute and worked with a clinical team to develop software to diagnose rare diseases. He also worked at the Masonic Cancer Center in Minneapolis as a Research Scientist. He likes to spend time with his family and enjoys biking and playing squash.