MSCS Course Waitlists and Information
Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer ScienceOlin-Rice Science Center, Room 222 651-696-6287
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ACTC Students
- Our first priority is to give seats to Macalester students in our classes.
- MSCS courses are closed to ACTC students until the last day of Macalester’s registration. ACTC students will need an instructor override for any course with a prerequisite, unless that prerequisite was taken at Macalester.
- ACTC students who need courses for their major/minor (especially when their home institution does not offer such classes), should contact Alicia Johnson ([email protected]) as early as possible, even prior to the registration period, to see if we can reserve seats in classes.
COMP Courses MATH Courses STAT Courses
COMP Courses for Spring 2025
COMP 112, Introduction to Data Science, all sections
No signature required. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posed here. At that time, please check back and fill out the Comp/Stat 112 Waitlist Form. Questions? Contact: Amin Alhashim ([email protected])
COMP 123, Core Concepts in Computer Science, all sections
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Shilad Sen ([email protected])
COMP 127, Object-Oriented Programming and Abstraction, all sections
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, complete the COMP 127 Waitlist Form. Starting last fall, there is no attached lab for this course! Questions? Contact: Getiria Onsongo ([email protected])
COMP 128, Data Structures, all sections
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Bret Jackson ([email protected])
COMP 212, Intermediate Data Science
If and when sections of 212 close during registration, the waitlist will open. At that time, please check back and fill out the STAT/COMP 212 Waitlist Form. Questions? Contact: Brianna Heggeseth ([email protected])
COMP 221, Algorithm Design and Analysis
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Suhas Arehalli ([email protected])
COMP 225, Software Design and Development, all sections
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Paul Cantrell ([email protected])
COMP 240, Computer Systems
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Abby Marsh ([email protected])
COMP 302, Introduction to Database Management Systems, all sections
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Joslenne Peña ([email protected])
COMP 361, Theory of Computation
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Suhas Arehalli ([email protected])
COMP 364, Human-Computer Interaction
The course is currently full. First day attendance required. Waitlist for Spring 2025 Questions? Contact: Lauren Milne ([email protected])
COMP 365, Computational Linear Algebra
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Kristin Heysse ([email protected])
COMP 394, Language in Social Media: A Computational Linguistics Perspective
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Zuoyu Tian ([email protected])
COMP 446, Internet Computing
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Joslenne Peña ([email protected])
COMP 465, Interactive Computer Graphics
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Bret Jackson ([email protected])
MATH Courses for Spring 2025
MATH 135, Applied Multivariable Calculus I, all sections
No signature required. If one section of the course fills, then complete the Math 135 common waitlist for all sections. Questions? Contact Andrew Beveridge ([email protected])
MATH 137, Applied Multivariable Calculus II, all sections
No signature required. If one section of the course fills, then complete the Math 137 Waitlist Form. Questions? Contact Paul Herstedt ([email protected]).
MATH 236, Linear Algebra, all sections
No signature required. If one section of the course fills, then complete the Math 236 common waitlist for all sections. Questions? Contact Taryn Flock ([email protected]).
MATH 237, Applied Multivariable Calculus III
No signature required. If the course fills, then a waitlist will be posted here.
Questions? Contact Will Grodzicki ([email protected] ).
MATH 279, Discrete Math, all sections
No signature required. If one section of the course fills, then complete the Math 279 common waitlist form. Questions? Contact Andrew Beveridge ([email protected])
MATH 312, Differential Equations
No signature required. If you are unable to register, fill out this form. Questions? Contact Dan O’Loughlin ([email protected]).
MATH 354, Probability
Permission of instructor required. Please fill out this MATH/STAT 354 Interest Form as soon as possible. Full consideration will be given to students that fill out the form by 9am Friday, November 8. Questions? Contact Alicia Johnson ([email protected])
MATH 355, Statistical Theory (formerly MATH/STAT 455)
Permission of instructor required. Please fill out this MATH/STAT 355 Interest Form as soon as possible. Full consideration will be given to students that fill out the form by 9am Friday, November 8. Questions? Contact Taylor Okonek ([email protected])
MATH 361, Theory of Computation
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Suhas Arehalli ([email protected])
MATH 365, Computational Linear Algebra
No signature required for this course. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact: Kristin Heysse ([email protected])
MATH 376, Algebraic Structures
No signature required. If the course fills, then a waitlist will be posted here. Questions? Contact Yariana Diaz ([email protected]).
MATH 378, Complex Analysis
No signature required. If the course fills, then a waitlist will be posted here. Questions? Contact Paul Herstedt ([email protected]).
MATH 471 Topology
No signature required. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posted here. Questions? Contact Lori Ziegelmeier ([email protected]).
STAT Courses for Spring 2025
STAT 112, Introduction to Data Science, all sections
No signature required. If and when sections begin to fill, a waitlist form will be posed here. At that time, please check back and fill out the Comp/Stat 112 Waitlist Form. Questions? Contact: Amin Alhashim ([email protected])
STAT 125, Epidemiology
If and when 125 closes during registration, the waitlist will open. At that time, please check back and fill out the STAT 125 Waitlist Form. Questions? Contact: Kelsey McDonald ([email protected]).
STAT 155, Intro to Statistical Modeling, all sections
Once all sections of 155 close during registration, a waitlist will open. At that time, please check back and fill out the STAT 155 Waitlist Form. Please do not fill out the form prior to your registration time. Questions? Contact Taylor Okonek ([email protected]).
STAT 212, Intermediate Data Science
If and when sections of 212 close during registration, the waitlist will open. At that time, please check back and fill out the STAT/COMP 212 Waitlist Form. Questions? Contact: Brianna Heggeseth ([email protected])
STAT 253, Statistical Machine Learning, all sections
If and when at least one section of 253 closes during registration, the waitlist will open. At that time, please check back and fill out the STAT 253 Waitlist Form. Questions? Contact Kelsey Grinde ([email protected]) or Brianna Heggeseth ([email protected]).
STAT 354, Probability
Permission of instructor required. Please fill out this MATH/STAT 354 Interest Form as soon as possible. Full consideration will be given to students that fill out the form by 9am Friday, November 8. Questions? Contact Alicia Johnson ([email protected])
STAT 355, Statistical Theory (formerly MATH/STAT 455)
Permission of instructor required. Please fill out this MATH/STAT 355 Interest Form as soon as possible. Full consideration will be given to students that fill out the form by 9am Friday, November 8. Questions? Contact Taylor Okonek ([email protected])
STAT 494, Statistical Genetics
Permission of instructor required. Please fill out this STAT 494 Interest Form as soon as possible. Full consideration will be given to students that fill out the form by 9am Friday, November 8. Questions? Contact Kelsey Grinde ([email protected])