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Practice Rooms & Instrument Lockers

Practice Rooms


Practice rooms are available to all Macalester students at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis. They are kept unlocked, and are located on the southwest corner of the first and second floors of the Music Department.

Instrument Lockers

Eligibility Requirements

  • Any Macalester student registered for studio instruction/private lessons, or
  • Any Macalester student enrolled in a Music Department Ensemble.

How to Reserve

  1. Students must meet eligibility requirements.
  2. Bring your instrument to the Music Department office (M201), where you will fill out a Locker Agreement form and be assigned a locker.

When Lockers are Available

Lockers are assigned beginning the first day of classes. During Orientation, first-year students will need to keep their instruments in their dorm rooms.

Instrument Storage over the Summer or during Study Abroad

Current students who will be returning to Macalester and participating in ensembles or taking lessons are eligible to keep their instrument lockers over the summer or when they are studying abroad. No action is necessary.

Conditions for Return

Graduating seniors or students no longer registered for studio instruction/private lessons or enrolled in Music Department Ensembles are no longer eligible to use Music Department instrument lockers.

Do you know the serial number of your musical instrument?

Get it logged. Get it back!

What would happen if your musical instrument were lost or stolen? Would you be able to quickly come up with its serial number? Here’s one way you can. Start your very own Personal Inventory with this Google Doc Template. Just open it up and make a copy and start recording the description and serial number of your musical instrument and other valuables.