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Studio Instruction/Private Lessons

Requirements and Procedures Overview

While many aspects of studio instruction will vary among studio instructors, the following procedures and requirements pertain to ALL students taking studio instruction. Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in a lowering of the final grade for studio instruction. Significant deviations from these standards may result in a failing grade for the semester and the discontinuation of fee-waived lessons for minors and majors. See the official College Catalog for a list of detailed Music Majors and Music Minors requirements.

ItemMusic Majors & Music Minors
  • Fall 2024 registration is available in-person in the music office (M201), or contact [email protected] for a link to the Google form, from Monday, April 15 – Friday, April 26
  • It will also be possible to register for Fall 2024 lessons between September 3rd to September 13th.
  • Students may add/drop lessons during the college-wide add/drop period at the beginning of each semester
Fees per semester (2021-22)
  • $60 for 12 half-hour lessons (or equivalent) on primary instrument or piano for proficiency
  • $540 for 12 hour-long lessons on primary instrument (except seniors who are giving capstone recitals; see following for details)
  • Seniors giving capstone recitals are eligible for the reduced rate of $115 for 12 hour-long lessons
  • Rates for secondary instruments are $500 for 12 half-hour lessons
  • Bagpipe lessons are available at no cost. Contact Mike Breidenbach at  or 651-696-6695
Performance Exam/Review
  • 80% of the grade is from the studio instructor
  • 20% from the average of grade given by the music faculty adjudicating the Performance Reviews
Studio InstructorsStudio Instructors directory
Course Credit
  • 1 credit per semester
  • Credit will only be applied after completion of 2 consecutive semesters of the same type of studio instruction (i.e. piano lessons for two semesters)
  • Credits for music instruction do not cause students to go over the 18-credit limit
Thursday Noon Recitals
  • Study and complete a minimum of 3 pieces in contrasting styles (or the equivalent, in non-Western instruments and some other traditions) every semester
  • If memorization is the norm e.g., solo vocal and solo piano repertoire, music performed publicly should be memorized
  • Public performances include: Performance Reviews, Thursday Noon Recitals, and junior/senior recitals
  • Music minors are not required to memorize, though individual studio instructors may encourage or require performance by memory
Senior Recitals
  • Required for Music Majors only
Studio Instructor Evaluation
ItemNon-Majors & Non-Minors
  • Early Fall 2024 registration is available in-person in the music office (M201) from Monday, April 15 – Friday, April 26
  • It will also be possible to register for Fall 2024 lessons between September 3-13.
Fees per semester (2021-22)
  • $500 for 12 half-hour lessons (or equivalent)
  • $1000 for 12 hour-long lessons
  • Bagpipe lessons are available at no cost. Contact Mike Breidenbach at or 651-696-6695


Performance Exam/Review
  • No reviews or exams required
  • Instructor assigns grade
Studio InstructorsStudio Instructors directory
Course Credit
  • 1 credit per semester
  • Credit will only be applied after completion of 2 consecutive semesters of the same type of studio instruction (i.e. piano lessons for two semesters)
  • Credits for music instruction do not cause students to go over the 18-credit limit
Thursday Noon Recitals
  • Not required
  • Study and complete a minimum of 3 pieces in contrasting styles (or the equivalent, in non-Western instruments and some other traditions) every semester
  • At the discretion of the instructor
Senior Recitals
  • Not required
Studio Instructor Evaluation