By Alexandra McLaughlin ’16

Planning the Big 5 – 0

Kathleen Pinkett ’75 will visit Macalester four times between 2024 and 2025 to co-chair her 50th Reunion planning committee.

She began her career as a social worker, then spent thirty years in human resources, ultimately becoming the chief HR officer for Securian Financial Group. Giving back to Macalester is “motivating and fulfilling,” she says.

Decades of dedication

In 1999, Pinkett co-chaired the first Alumni of Color Reunion with good friend Melvin Collins ’75. Over the years she served on various committees, including the one that appointed President Brian Rosenberg. She joined the Alumni Board and served for six years as a trustee. During that time, her family hosted international students and held class dinners. She was an early donor to the Mahmoud El-Kati Distinguished Lectureship in American Studies.

Pinkett, who played basketball on the inaugural women’s intercollegiate team in 1974-75, now serves on the Athletics Advisory Board. She praises Donnie Brooks, associate vice president for student affairs and director of athletics, for his work in recruitment and strategy. As part of the engagement committee, she works to integrate athletics into the broader student body, boosting game attendance and promoting athletics as part of overall health and wellness.

Why she gives

“It’s all about the students,” Pinkett says, expressing gratitude for the critical thinking skills and broad worldview she gained at Macalester. “I want all students, especially students of color, to have similar opportunities.”

She recently supported Macalester’s “Blacks in Paris/Noires á Paris” course, co-taught by Professors Duchess Harris and Juliette Rogers. This class explores the relationship between France and Black people. During spring break, students toured Paris, including the eighteenth arrondissement, known as “Little Africa.”

Small contributions, big impact

“Giving back to Macalester doesn’t have to be arduous,” Pinkett says. “I participated in career panels and ensured we had Macalester interns at my company. There’s no effort too small.”

August 26 2024

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