Home News Articles Page 9 Articles Eleven new tenure-track professors join Macalester’s faculty Eleven new tenure-track faculty members representing a broad range of disciplines will be joining Macalester in the coming months. Story-writing intern brings ideas together As part of her environmental studies capstone, Julia Chamberland has been writing stories for Minnesota Upstream. Macalester student receives Phi Beta Kappa scholarship Macalester junior Holiday O’Bryan ‘24 received Phi Beta Kappa’s (PBK) undergraduate Key into Public Service scholarship. Record number of Macalester students selected for U of Chicago’s summer economics program The Expanding Diversity in Economics program is designed to "identify and support talented undergraduate students from a broad range of backgrounds who are interested in the study of economics." A Passion for Teaching, and Teaching for Passion Nick Shriver '18 is currently working at Little Wound School in South Dakota as an 8th and 9th grade English and Social Studies teacher and high school football coach. Mactivism Student activists have long helped shape Macalester policies—and have learned lasting lessons from their advocacy. Books: Spring 2023 Books recently published by Macalester alumni, faculty, and staff. The Future of Therapy is… In the wake of some of the most collectively challenging years of our lives, four alumni practitioners weigh in. A Look Back at Unfiltered College is a time of change and growth. Unfiltered is an effort to capture a snapshot of that student transformation. The Macalester Spirit President Suzanne M. Rivera on the enduring Macalester spirit that transcends campus, fostering hope, joy, and connections among alumni worldwide. Falling in Love with Chemistry Renowned organic chemist Richmond Sarpong '95 delivers distinguished chemistry lecture. Shelf Conscious: Professor Christina Esposito Ever wonder about all those books lining professors’ offices? We’re with you. Academic All-American Caleb Williams '24 earned Division III Academic All-America first team for men's basketball with a 3.91 GPA and impressive on-court achievements. The Business of Cannabis Former prosecutor Jim Shorris ’82 now leads compliance at the world’s largest cannabis company. Room for Improvement Business owner Zoe Kardasis Sturtz ’96 helps families fall in love with their houses again. The Art of Costume Design Theater and Dance Department professor Sarah Bahr offers students a real-world experience in the backstage drama of costume design. After Macalester: Wise Words from Alumni Macalester alumni advise recent graduates through the Career Connections working group, helping them navigate uncertainties after graduation. Work Wisdom: David Bole ’90 The bike shop owner and manager's tips for work success: stay interested, honor your lifestyle, ride a bike, adapt, and be welcoming. Volunteer Spotlight: Ezequiel Jimenez Martinez ’13 Martinez promotes internationalism and connects Macalester students and alumni through the International Connections program. James A. Williams ’77 Has Never Let Go “The seeds for my life got planted at Mac, and that’s why Mac is my heart,” says the renowned actor. Maccolades for April 2023: Dazzling feats in poetry, human rights, statistics, chemistry, and more Maccolades is a monthly round-up of the most recent accolades and accomplishments earned by members of the Macalester community. Below are highlights from April 2023. Prev 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … 33 Next