Henry West

Henry West’s current research interests include John Stuart Mill and Utilitarianism.
Key publications or presentations:
- Moral Philosophy: Classic Texts and Contemporary Problems , Encino, CA: Dickenson, 1977.
- “Utilitarianism,” part of “Philosophy, History and Systems,” Encyclopedia Britannica.
- “Mill, John Stuart,” and “Consequentialism,” Encyclopedia of Philosophy – Supplement.
- An Introduction to Mill’s Utilitarian Ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
- Comment on “How You Can Help, Without Making a Difference,” by Julia Nefsky, to the Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, Boulder, CO, August 11, 2013.
Please see additional publications in the Faculty Publication Database.
AB: Emory University, 1954
MA: Duke University, 1958
BD: Union Theological Seminary, 1959
PhD: Harvard University, 1965.