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Physics Abroad

Physics students often take advantage of opportunities to study abroad on programs that enrich their lives and advance their study of physics. Check out these stories to learn about their experiences.

A physics major with an astronomy concentration, Charlotte Martinkus ’15 enrolled in classes in nuclear physics and planetary systems at Uppsala University in Sweden, along with courses in Swedish language and culture. One of the only European programs that would also help her fulfill her science major requirements, CIEE Sweden seemed like the logical choice for study abroad.

Physics major Ned Molter ’15 spent the fall of 2013 in Belgium, studying astrophysics at the Astronomy and Astrophysics Institute of the Free University of Brussels.

Physics major Ruby Byrne ’14 took a different route for her studying abroad experience, and went to Oxford University in the spring of 2013 to study physics. She attended St. Catherine’s College in Oxford, where she also lived in the residence halls.

Physics major Chris Krapu ’13 (Valley City, N.D.) was the first Macalester student to study at Nanyang Technological University, a science and engineering school in Singapore.