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Research Requirement for Majors

Collaborating on an original research project is a graduation requirement for the physics and astronomy degree. During the spring semester the current senior class will present their research in talks during senior seminar. Physics majors are strongly encouraged to attend these talks in order to understand what is expected. Having a strong research experience is an important factor when physics graduates apply for jobs or graduate school after Macalester. It will also help in the transition from physics/astronomy student into professional physicist/astronomer.

Finding a research opportunity to fulfill the requirement is a student’s responsibility. Below follows a summary of three options that are open to you:

1. Summer research at Macalester:

Please follow the instructions at Macalester’s Olin-Rice Hub website.

First, approach a physics and astronomy faculty member to express your interest, then fill out the electronic application at the Moodle Group:

Use the ESRA moodle site to submit your application.

2. Summer research through NSF (National Science Foundation)

Sponsored REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) programs at other universities. You can find a large number of interesting programs at the NSF website.

3. Summer research through DOE (Department of Energy)

Sponsored SULI (Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships) programs at national labs. You can find participating labs and specific opportunities at the DOE website.

Note that all these opportunities come with a generous stipend/housing/travel allowance. What could be more fun, a summer of advanced physics with other undergraduates and experts in the field, and getting paid for it to boot!

4. Summer research through Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE)

The Open Quantum Initiative (OQI) Undergraduate Fellowship offers undergraduate students from minoritized communities the opportunity to gain research experiences working in a quantum science laboratory or research group. Students are paired with one of 6 options including 4 universities and 2 national laboratories!