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Macalester College Pipe Band

Concert Livestream in the event you can’t attend or Fall program!

Congratulations to the Grade 3 band on winning Champion Supreme in the Midwest Pipe Band Association for the 2024 season.

This August the Grade 3 Band competed at the European and World Pipe Band Championships. We placed 6th at the European Championships. The first time in 25 years a Midwest Pipe Band Association pipe band has placed at a Major Championship in Scotland!

The Macalester College Pipe Band is comprised of students, faculty, alumni, and community members, who are all dedicated to playing the bagpipes and drums at the highest level.

From concerts to competitions to parades and celebrations, the Macalester College Pipe Band prides itself on putting on a high quality, entertaining performance that will spark your Celtic spirit and leave you wanting more. The band partners with highland dancers and other special guests to bring you the best in traditional and contemporary Celtic music and dance.

Upcoming Events


Saturday January 25th Burns Night

Saturday April 5th-Both bands will be competing at the Winnipeg Scottish Festival in Winnipeg, Canada

Sunday April 27th 2pm Spring Concert!

Saturday May 17th 10:30am 2025 Macalester College Commencement

June 6-7 Macalester Reunion Weekend We will be adding piping and drumming to a variety of events

June 13-14 Chicago Highland Games

Saturday July 19th MN Scottish Fair at Macalester College!

Saturday August 2nd North American Championships, Maxville, Ontario

Learn to Play Bagpipes!

Bagpipe Lessons are available to all Macalester Students at no cost!

No experience necessary and beginners are highly encouraged to give it a try! This Fall semester all lessons will take place in person or n zoom if you prefer. Everyone begins lessons on a practice chanter, which is what you use to learn the fingerings. The practice chanter is pretty quiet and can be played in your dorm room or apartment without bothering the neighbors.  To sign up for a time email

Contact Us

Michael Breidenbach
Director of Piping

For information about:

  • event details
  • hiring the band or a solo piper
  • learning the pipes or the drums
  • joining the band