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Fall 2024 Spring 2025

Fall 2024

Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information

Num. / Sec. / CRN Name Days Time Room Instructor
POLI 120-01 10639 Foundations of International Politics Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: CARN 06A Instructor: Sheharyar Imran

POLI 140-01 10640 Foundations of Comparative Politics Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Felipe Ribeiro

POLI 160-01 10641 Foundations of Political Theory Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Della Zurick

POLI 160-02 11000 Foundations of Political Theory Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: CARN 304 Instructor: Della Zurick

POLI 194-F1 10642 Human Rights, Human Wrongs Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: THEATR 213 Instructor: Wendy Weber

*First-Year Course Only*

POLI 202-01 10643 US Campaigns and Elections Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Julie Dolan

POLI 203-01 10644 Politics and Inequality: The American Welfare State Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: LIBR 250 Instructor: Lesley Lavery

*Cross-listed with AMST 203-01 (10645)*

POLI 203-F1 10646 Politics and Inequality: The American Welfare State Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: LIBR 250 Instructor: Lesley Lavery

*First-Year Course Only; cross-listed with AMST 203-F1 (10647)*

POLI 206-01 10648 US Constitutional Law and Thought Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Patrick Schmidt

POLI 213-01 10649 Politics in Action Days: W Time: 08:30 am-09:30 am Room: LIBR 250 Instructor: Lesley Lavery

*2 Credits; must have declared POLI major*

POLI 213-02 10650 Politics in Action Days: W Time: 12:00 pm-01:00 pm Room: LIBR 250 Instructor: Lesley Lavery

*2 Credits; must have declared POLI major*

POLI 215-01 10301 Environmental Politics/Policy Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: THEATR 204 Instructor: Roopali Phadke

*Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ENVI 215-01 (10300)*

POLI 242-01 10651 Political Economy of Development Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Lisa Mueller

POLI 250-01 10737 Comparative-Historical Methods for Social Science Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: THEATR 001 Instructor: Erik Larson

*Cross-listed with SOCI 275-01 (10736)*

POLI 269-01 10654 Empirical Research Methods Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Julie Dolan

POLI 277-01 10408 Metaphysics in Secular Thought Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: HUM 401 Instructor: Kiarina Kordela

*Cross-listed with GERM 277-01 (10407), RELI 277-01 (10409)*

POLI 292-01 11032 Human Rights at the High Table: Protection Mandates in the United Nations Security Council Days: M Time: 08:00 am-09:30 am Room: CARN 305 Instructor: Andrew Latham

POLI 294-01 10655 A New Cold War? US-China Relations in the 2020's Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: CARN 105 Instructor: Andrew Latham

POLI 294-02 10656 Marx and Foucault Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Rothin Datta

*First day attendance required*

POLI 294-04 10858 Politics of Latin America Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Felipe Ribeiro

*Cross-listed with LATI 294-01 (10860)*

POLI 320-01 10657 Global Political Economy Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: OLRI 300 Instructor: Sheharyar Imran

*Cross-listed with INTL 320-01 (10658)*

POLI 323-01 10659 Humanitarianism in World Politics Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: HUM 216 Instructor: Wendy Weber

POLI 394-01 10660 Just War and the Politics of Violence Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: ARTCOM 102 Instructor: Della Zurick

POLI 400-01 10661 Senior Research Seminar Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Rothin Datta

*Permission of instructor required*

POLI 400-02 10662 Senior Research Seminar Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: CARN 05 Instructor: Patrick Schmidt

*Permission of instructor required*

POLI 400-03 10663 Senior Research Seminar Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: CARN 105 Instructor: Wendy Weber

*Permission of instructor required*

POLI 400-04 10664 Senior Research Seminar Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Lisa Mueller

*Permission of instructor required*

Spring 2025

Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information

Num. / Sec. / CRN Name Days Time Room Instructor
POLI 100-01 30556 Foundations of US Politics Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Patrick Schmidt

POLI 120-01 30557 Foundations of International Politics Days: M W F Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Sheharyar Imran

POLI 140-01 30558 Foundations of Comparative Politics Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: ARTCOM 202 Instructor: Felipe Ribeiro

POLI 207-01 30561 US Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Days: M W F Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am Room: CARN 206 Instructor: Patrick Schmidt

POLI 213-01 30562 Politics in Action Days: W Time: 08:30 am-09:30 am Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Julie Dolan

*2 credits*

POLI 213-02 30563 Politics in Action Days: W Time: 12:00 pm-01:00 pm Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Julie Dolan

*2 credits*

POLI 216-01 30564 Legislative Politics Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: CARN 105 Instructor: Julie Dolan

*Permission of instructor required*

POLI 221-01 30565 Global Governance Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: THEATR 204 Instructor: Wendy Weber

POLI 261-01 30566 Feminist Political Theory Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: CARN 305 Instructor: Della Zurick

*Cross-listed with WGSS 261-01 (30567)*

POLI 269-01 30568 Empirical Research Methods Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: CARN 305 Instructor: Lisa Mueller

*First day attendance required*

POLI 285-01 30375 Ethnicity and Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: CARN 404 Instructor: Nadya Nedelsky

*Cross-listed with INTL 285-01 (30374)*

POLI 290-01 30569 Chuck Green Civic Engagement Fellowship Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Rothin Datta

*Permission of instructor required; first day attendance required*

POLI 294-03 30753 How to Think in an Age of Political Polarization Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: CARN 06A Instructor: Lesley Lavery

POLI 294-04 30909 Racial Capitalism Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: CARN 304 Instructor: Rothin Datta

POLI 294-05 30910 Colonial and Decolonial Worldmaking Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: CARN 105 Instructor: Sheharyar Imran

POLI 294-06 30911 Blackness in the Americas Days: T R Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am Room: HUM 217 Instructor: Felipe Ribeiro

*Cross-listed with LATI 294-03 (30935)*

POLI 294-07 30983 Don’t Call the Police: Urban Violence in the Americas Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: HUM 217 Instructor: Felipe Ribeiro

*Cross-listed with LATI 294-04 (30984)*

POLI 315-01 30752 Advanced Topics in Policy: US Education Politics and Policy Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: CARN 204 Instructor: Lesley Lavery

*Cross-listed with EDUC 315-01 (30960)*

POLI 322-01 30572 Advanced International Theory Days: M W F Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm Room: CARN 404 Instructor: Andrew Latham

POLI 337-01 30241 Energy Justice Days: T R Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm Room: OLRI 243 Instructor: Roopali Phadke

*Cross-listed with ENVI 337-01 (30240)*

POLI 352-01 30379 Transitional Justice Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: CARN 411 Instructor: Nadya Nedelsky

*Cross-listed with INTL 352-01 (30378)*

POLI 394-01 30573 Constitutionalism Days: M W F Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm Room: MAIN 003 Instructor: Patrick Schmidt

POLI 394-02 30574 The Politics of Migration Governance Days: T R Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm Room: CARN 105 Instructor: Wendy Weber

POLI 404-01 30575 Honors Colloquium Days: M W F Time: 03:30 pm-04:30 pm Room: CARN 305 Instructor: Lisa Mueller

*Permission of instructor required*