Getting Involved
PsychologyOlin/Rice Halls of Science Room 321 651-696-6223
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Friday Socials
Every Friday when classes are in session, the Psychology Department holds a social event with snacks. Recent Friday socials have included treats as wide ranging as spring rolls, fry bread, Frito chili pie, and mochi. Come join us: Fridays at 3:20, third floor of OLRI by the “Ames Room” (aka “Blue House”)!
Psych Swag
Show your Mac Psych pride! Every Psychology major receives a Macalester Psychology tote bag. Sweatshirts and water bottles are available for purchase.

Email List
Our department coordinator, Jeff Conrod, stays in contact with majors and minors about various departmental deadlines, job opportunities, and upcoming events. All majors and minors are in Jeff’s files, but any student can be added to his list. Just let him know you’re interested. [email protected]
Macalester Psi Chi
The Psychology Department is proud to have a local chapter of the national honor society. Junior and senior majors with overall GPA’s that place them in the top 35% of their class (historically 3.88 or higher) are invited to join this society, and the Department holds ceremonial inductions once year year. Psi Chi.
Psych Club
The goal of Psych Club is to foster a sense of community and belonging among Psych students (and people who like hanging out with Psych students—we’re inclusive!). To accomplish this goal, Psych Club takes on different responsibilities each year, depending on its membership, but typically they have hosted one Friday social and planned one larger social event each month. In recent years, events have included: “PsychTober” (Halloween Trick-or-Treat around the research labs), study away show-and-tell, trivia nights, movie nights, and snacks for finals week study days. If you are interested in being a Psych Club leader, please contact Cari Gillen-O’Neel – [email protected]