Student Resources
Registrar77 Macalester Street, Room 101 651-696-6200
651-696-6600 (fax)
Please refer to the College Catalog, Google Doc resources, as well as the Academic Calendar for important dates, deadlines, information, and step-by-step guides.
Important Dates
Spring 2025
- Mid-term Grades Due March 12
- Spring Break March 15 – 23
- Last Day to Withdraw from a Class April 4
- Designate Grading Option April 7 – May 5
- Last Day of Classes May 5
- Final Grades Available May 16
- Work Due for Fall 2024 Incomplete Grades July 1
Course Withdrawal and Designating Grade Option (S/SD/N)
Withdraw from a class You can withdraw from a class in 1600grand after the Add/Drop period has closed through the Last Day to Withdraw From a Class (see Academic Calendar). To withdraw from a class, select Enter Registration under the Registration header. Select Register for Classes. Select the current term in the Terms Open for Registration drop down box. You can withdraw from a course by using the Action: *Withdraw 1600grand* in the drop down box in the Summary section in the bottom-right. Select Submit to process the course withdrawal. How To: Withdraw from a course in 1600grand
Note: Students cannot withdraw from all classes via 1600grand. Please contact Student Affairs if you have questions about a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal from the College.
Change the grade mode for a course to S/SD/N grading (i.e. “pass/fail”) The number of elective courses students may designate as S/SD/N grading option is unrestricted (in this context, “elective courses” refer to those courses not on a student’s major, minor, or concentration plan). The deadlines for students to select their grading option will be the last day of classes for the semester. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for important dates and deadlines.
Students can change their grade mode in 1600grand by following these instructions: Adjusting your course Grade Mode in 1600grand. Students may make change to their grade mode up until the deadline posted in the Academic Calendar. Once the deadline has passed, no changes will be made to the grade more and the final designation will stand.
Please note: courses may list grade modes that are not applicable, and the Audit grade mode should not be selected:
Select one of the following Grade Modes: This Grade Mode SHOULD NOT BE selected: - S/SD/N Allows Student Option
- Letter Grade
• Audit The Educational Policy and Governance Committee (EPAG) has modified the college policy on S/SD/N grading; effective Fall 2021.
- Courses taken under this grading option may not be included on major, minor or concentration plans without specific departmental approval.
- Students must earn an S (C- equivalent) in a course for it to satisfy a distribution, general education, or second-language proficiency requirement.
- To be eligible for Latin Honors a candidate must have earned at least half of the number of semester hours (64 credits) required for graduation in courses at Macalester, and may have no more than the equivalent of one course per semester graded on the S/SD/N grading option*.
- To be eligible for the Dean’s List a student must have been registered as a full-time, degree-seeking student and may not have been on a study away program. Furthermore, a student must have achieved a semester grade point average of at least 3.75, twelve or more credits on a regular (A, A-, B+, etc.) grading option, no grades below C-, and no withdrawal or incomplete grades for the semester. Grades for activity, practicum, and technique courses in dance, music, and physical education are not factored into eligibility for the Dean’s List.
*Spring 2020 – Summer 2021 (M5) S/SD/N grades as designated are exempt and will not affect Latin Honors calculations.
Alternate PIN*–you may be prompted to enter your Alternate (i.e. “Registration) PIN* for the current term when registration is open for the upcoming term. You can either leave this field blank or enter your current PIN to Continue. The Alternate (Registration) PIN will only be active for the upcoming term of registration. This usually only happens when you are changing the grade mode (“pass/fail”) on a course during an open registration period for a future term.
Graduation and Commencement
Official Transcripts Official transcripts are ordered using Parchment. Degree information, including: award date, major(s), minor(s), concentrations(s), and awards (i.e. Latin Honors) will be available upon the awarding of your degree. You can confirm the status of your degree by (1) receipt of your digital diploma or (2) in 1600grand. Note: any outstanding requirements (i.e. missing ACTC grades or credits from study away; incomplete grades; exceptions to an additional majors, minors, or concentration) will delay the posting of your degree on your official transcript.
Diploma Your diploma will be awarded upon the successful completion of all degree requirements, including the processing of final grades in your last semester. As you can imagine, this does take some time, but we will work as quickly as possible to review and award your degree. Note: any outstanding requirements (i.e. missing ACTC grades or credits from study away; incomplete grades; exceptions to an additional majors, minors, or concentration) will delay the awarding of your degree.
You will first receive your digital diploma via email/text message once your degree has been awarded. This email/text will prompt you to sign in to your Parchment account to claim your diploma. If you do not yet have an account, you will need to create one. Parchment is also where you will order an official transcript, so an account will be useful going forward. You will want to verify your mailing address for your printed (paper) diploma as prompted. Please do so promptly as you will be reminded via email/text. The printed diploma should arrive within 15-20 days after you have confirmed your details with Parchment.
Latin Honors at Graduation To be eligible for Latin Honors a candidate must have earned at least half of the number of semester hours (64 credits) required for graduation in courses at Macalester, and may have no more than the equivalent of one course per semester graded on the S/SD/NC grading option*. *Spring 2020 – Summer 2021 (M5) grades designated S/SD/N are exempt and will not affect Latin Honors calculations.
Can I graduate early? You are eligible to graduate upon the successful completion of all of the requirements for the degree. Please contact us to discuss these requirements and to ensure you are eligible for an early graduation.
Tip: While this tool is accessible on a mobile device, it works best on a desktop or laptop. Should you have difficulty in setting up or using Macalester Student Self Service Proxy on your mobile device, please try again using a desktop or laptop before seeking assistance.
Proxy Access and Self Service
What is a Macalester Student Self Service Proxy? Students can give parents, legal guardians, or other trusted parties access to view certain pieces of their student information online. This access is referred to as proxy access, and the person who is granted this authorization is called a Macalester Student Self Service Proxy. The student controls the entire process through 1600grand, and can add anyone with a valid email address as a proxy.
How do I establish a proxy? First, the student must log in to the 1600grand > Proxy Access > Set up Proxy to create an account for the proxy. They can click Proxy Management in the Personal Information section to begin this process. Once the student has set up the proxy account, login information and account setup directions will be sent to the proxy’s email address. Note: The proxy must have a valid email address in order to access the site.
What information can a proxy see? A proxy will only see the pieces of information they have been authorized to view. Students select which information pages will be viewable when they set up the account, and can grant and remove access through the Proxy Management page. Examples of information a student may grant access to would be final grades, mid-term grades, registration and schedule.
Can an email address be assigned as a proxy for multiple students? Yes. Proxies are identified by email address, and multiple students can assign that address as a proxy. This is particularly useful in the case of siblings who each attend Macalester College.
Can I view who has accessed my information through proxy access? Yes. Students can see how often a proxy has viewed a given information page by accessing the Authorization log. To access this log, log in to the 1600grand > Proxy Access > Set up Proxy, click on Proxy Management, and then click on the proxy’s name to expand their profile. Next, click on the History tab. In this tab, a log table will list information about all Actions performed for this proxy account. “Login” and “View” will be captured as Actions that indicate when the proxy logged in or viewed a page. This log also captures which page the proxy viewed, and the date and time of each action.
Will my proxy be notified if a modification is made, including removing authorization? No. There is no automatic notification sent to the proxy when a modification to authorization access.
How do I modify the access I previously gave a proxy? A student can modify the proxy access by checking or unchecking any of the boxes in the Authorization tab. If you want to add access to a page then check the box and if you want to remove access to a page then uncheck the box.
How do I completely remove the access I previously gave a proxy? A student can remove proxy access in multiple ways. First, the access can be removed by unchecking all of the boxes in the Authorization tab which removes access to the pages. Alternatively, the student can change the Stop Date on the Profile tab to the current date. If this option is used, the proxy will no longer see the student’s name when they log in. Lastly, if the proxy has not viewed any information the student will have a button to “Delete Proxy Relationship”. This button disappears once the proxy has a viewing history.
Can multiple proxies use the same email address? Ideally, no. However, if parents share an email address and a student wishes to grant proxy access to both using that address, the student can do so. If this is how the student wishes to set it up, we ask that, when completing the first-name field, the student enters both first names (example: Mary and David). In the relationship description field, enter “parents” or “mom and dad” so that it is clear to any administrator reviewing the permissions that this email address is for more than one person.
When a proxy receives access to multiple students’ records, can each student set up different levels of access? Yes. Each student who grants proxy access to an email address has complete control over the information that the proxy can access, including start and stop dates.