Class Schedules
Fall 2024
Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information
Num. / Sec. / CRN | Name | Days | Time | Room | Instructor | |
RELI 101-01 10698 | Islam in America | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: MAIN 011 | Instructor: Brittany Landorf | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 111-F1 10699 | Introduction to Buddhism | Days: M W F | Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am | Room: MAIN 111 | Instructor: Erik Davis | |
*First-Year Course Only; first day attendance required; cross-listed with ASIA 113-F1 (10700)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 124-01 10701 | Dharma and Dao: Big Ideas in India and China | Days: M W F | Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am | Room: MAIN 002 | Instructor: James Laine | |
*Cross-listed with ASIA 124-01 (10702)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 135-01 10703 | India and Rome | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: OLRI 100 | Instructor: Laine, Overman | |
*Cross-listed with CLAS 135-01 (10704)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 136-01 10705 | World Religions and World Religions Discourse | Days: M W F | Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm | Room: MAIN 001 | Instructor: James Laine | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 194-01 10707 | Gender Relations in Islam | Days: M W F | Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm | Room: MAIN 001 | Instructor: Ahoo Najafian | |
*Cross-listed with WGSS 194-01 (10708)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 194-02 10709 | Life After Death in Jewish Texts and Traditions | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: MAIN 011 | Instructor: Nicholas Schaser | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 194-F1 10706 | Virginity from Mary to Millennials | Days: T R | Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am | Room: MAIN 001 | Instructor: Susanna Drake | |
*First-Year Course Only*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 223-01 10710 | Orthodoxy and Heresy in Early Christianity | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: MAIN 001 | Instructor: Susanna Drake | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 225-01 10711 | Women and the Bible | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: MAIN 002 | Instructor: Susanna Drake | |
*Cross-listed with WGSS 225-01 (10712)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 235-01 10713 | Theorizing Religion | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: MAIN 003 | Instructor: Erik Davis | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 277-01 10409 | Metaphysics in Secular Thought | Days: T R | Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm | Room: HUM 401 | Instructor: Kiarina Kordela | |
*Cross-listed with GERM 277-01 (10407), POLI 277-01 (10408)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-01 10714 | Second Temple Judaism: Jews in the Ancient Mediterranean World | Days: T R | Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am | Room: CARN 105 | Instructor: Nicholas Schaser | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-02 10715 | Love in the Persian World | Days: M W F | Time: 03:30 pm-04:30 pm | Room: MAIN 111 | Instructor: Ahoo Najafian | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-03 10716 | Faith and Fascism | Days: T R | Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm | Room: MAIN 011 | Instructor: Ethan Besser Fredrick | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-04 10855 | Conversion and Inquisition: Religious Change | Days: M W | Time: 08:00 am-09:30 am | Room: MAIN 009 | Instructor: Karin Vélez | |
*Cross-listed with HIST 252-01 (10436)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
Spring 2025
Visit the Registrar's Class Schedule for live registration information
Num. / Sec. / CRN | Name | Days | Time | Room | Instructor | |
RELI 100-01 30610 | Introduction to Islam: Formation and Expansion | Days: M W F | Time: 03:30 pm-04:30 pm | Room: MAIN 111 | Instructor: Ahoo Najafian | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 111-01 30611 | Introduction to Buddhism | Days: M W F | Time: 10:50 am-11:50 am | Room: MAIN 111 | Instructor: Erik Davis | |
*Cross-listed with ASIA 113-01 (30612)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 194-01 30613 | Cinema and the Sacred: The Bible in Film | Days: W | Time: 07:00 pm-10:00 pm | Room: OLRI 152 | Instructor: Nicholas Schaser | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 194-02 30614 | Maya Religion and Folklore | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: MAIN 111 | Instructor: Ethan Besser Fredrick | |
*Cross-listed with LATI 194-01 (30927)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 236-01 30615 | Sanskrit and Classical Religion in India | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: MAIN 002 | Instructor: James Laine | |
*Cross-listed with ASIA 236-01 (30616); CLAS 202-01(30617); LING 236-01 (30618)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 238-01 30619 | Catholics: Culture, Identity, Politics | Days: M W F | Time: 01:10 pm-02:10 pm | Room: MAIN 002 | Instructor: James Laine | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 241-01 30005 | Reclaiming Zen, Yoga and Church: Asian American Religions | Days: T R | Time: 01:20 pm-02:50 pm | Room: HUM 215 | Instructor: Jake Nagasawa | |
*Cross-listed with AMST 241-01 (30003), ASIA 241-01 (30004)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 254-01 30620 | Living and Working with the Dead | Days: M W F | Time: 09:40 am-10:40 am | Room: MAIN 003 | Instructor: Erik Davis | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-01 30621 | Love in the Ancient World | Days: T R | Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am | Room: MAIN 010 | Instructor: Susanna Drake | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-02 30622 | Imagining Muslim Lives | Days: M W F | Time: 02:20 pm-03:20 pm | Room: MAIN 111 | Instructor: Ahoo Najafian | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-03 30623 | Religion and Masculinity | Days: T R | Time: 09:40 am-11:10 am | Room: HUM 212 | Instructor: Brittany Landorf | |
*Cross-listed with WGSS 294-01 (30624)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-04 30013 | White Christian Right | Days: W | Time: 07:00 pm-10:00 pm | Room: THEATR 200 | Instructor: Jake Nagasawa | |
*Cross-listed with AMST 294-01 (30012)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 294-05 30358 | Religion and Law in Africa | Days: M W F | Time: 12:00 pm-01:00 pm | Room: CARN 404 | Instructor: Tara Hollies | |
*Cross-listed with HIST 294-01 (30357)*
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 394-01 30625 | Islamic Republics: Explorations in Religion and Nationalism | Days: M W F | Time: 12:00 pm-01:00 pm | Room: MAIN 003 | Instructor: Ahoo Najafian | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements:
RELI 469-01 30626 | Approaches to the Study of Religion | Days: T R | Time: 03:00 pm-04:30 pm | Room: MAIN 002 | Instructor: Susanna Drake | |
General Education Requirements:
Distribution Requirements: