Where Have You Been?
Macalester Reunion1600 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-696-6295
The program committee is looking for photographs of everyone, taken any time between graduation and now. You might wish to send a photo from an amazing trip, a family picture, snaps of you with Mac friends taken over the years. All photos need to be sent to Tom Nelson as soon as possible. As in NOW! We would also like your help identifying unnamed individuals in the photos. If you recognize a fellow classmate, please send us their name and identify the photo to which you are referring. Email Tom today: [email protected]

Help identify the coaches and team members other than Linda Swanson Svidal, Mike Mikulich, Maggie Folendorf Penn
Submitted by: Jane McKinley Sweet

Help identify the coaches and team members other than Jane McKinley Sweet and Nancy Johnson Loper.
Submitted by: Jane McKinley Sweet

Help identify the coaches and team members.
Submitted by: Jane McKinley Sweet

Submitted by: Dale Shuster

Help identify the team members and coaches.

Submitted by: Jean Henjum

Submitted by: Julie Schlueter

Submitted by: Julie Schlueter

Submitted by: Julie Schlueter

Submitted by: Julie Schlueter

Submitted by: Julie Schlueter

Submitted by: Tom Nelson

Submitted by: Mark Menke