Class of 1969
Macalester Reunion1600 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55105 651-696-6295
Dear classmates,
In less than two months our 50th reunion will be here, so now’s the time to sign up! As your reunion co-chairs, we’d hate to throw a class party and have only half of you show up. For all you procrastinators, the registration deadline is May 24. You’re a Golden Scot now, so do join us for the Golden Scots Society Induction Ceremony on Friday morning, June 7, and for the many other events to follow. As you’ll see below, registration is easy. Come join us as the Class of ‘69 celebrates, connects, and commences on the next phase of our journeys.
Jane Reister Conard and Linda Karrer Trout
Linda Karrer Trout
Jane Reister Conard
As we, the Class of 1969, come together to CELEBRATE the four years we spent at Macalester and the 50 years which have followed, we CONNECT with friends, both old and new, who share the formative years we lived and learned in this special place. It is true that our commencement was unique. It is a part of our story and signifies the changes that we as individuals and as a college community experienced. At this reunion, we want to be inspired to COMMENCE the next chapter of our lives as active, engaged global citizens, continuing to represent and live our Macalester values.
Quick Links
- Look Who’s Coming
- Reunion Costs
- Reunion FAQ’s
- All-Class Reunion Schedule
- Support Your Class Gift
- 102 Things to do in the Twin Cities
- Twin Cities Events During Reunion
Join our Facebook Group
Do you have some other memories you wish to share? Visit the Class of 1969 Facebook Page. You can post memories, share what’s going on in your life now, event post a current photo so we’ll know each other when we meet next June.
If you have questions about finding or joining the group, please email [email protected].