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Campus Committees

Campus Committees Appointed by SAC

We are currently actively evaluating how — and weather — SAC should manage committee appointments for other campus committees. For the past few years, SAC has solicited nominations from the community for committee appointments. New members were usually appointed in May. If you would like to be considered for a committee, please email .  Additional information (including non-SAC appointed committees) is available on the campus committees page.

How are committee members appointed?

SAC uses the following considerations when selecting staff for committees:

  • Is the staff person already serving on another committee?
  • History- did the staff person recently serve on a committee?  (if all else is equal, give a different staff member the opportunity to serve on committee)
  • Self-nomination
  • Multiple nominations for an individual
  • We look for diversity on the committees, considering:
    • Time at Macalester – SAC will try to get new and experienced people
    • Reporting lines represented
    • Parts of campus represented
    • Demographics
  • Some committees have specific requirements for membership. Please check the committee. Many committees have no restrictions.

***A reminder that a person nominated for a committee and contacted by SAC may say no to serving on a committee. In that case, SAC will begin the selection process again.

Advancement Committee

  • This is a Trustee Committee
  • Mission: Responsible for oversight of fund raising, including policy guidelines, goals, major prospect solicitation, and ensuring an adequate budget.
  • Contact: Andrew Brown at [email protected]
  • Appointed Members: 11 trustees, 1 faculty, 1 staff (SAC Representative) and 2 students
  • Permanent Members: College President, Board of Trustees Chair, 3 Representatives from Development, VP for College Advancement
  • SAC Appointed Staff Member is the Chair of SAC

Advisory Council on Sexual Misconduct and Harassment

  • Charge: The Advisory Council is charged with reviewing the College’s compliance efforts, identifying areas of concern or potential improvement, and making recommendations to the Title IX Coordinator and College at-large on sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and Title IX-related matters. For further information please visit the Title IX website.
  • Contact: Regina Curran at [email protected] or Jen Jacobsen [email protected], co-chairs
  • Appointed members: 5 students, 4 staff (Emma Kippley-Ogman, Joe Linstroth, Annie McBurney, and Erin Updike), 1 faculty
  • Permanent members: Title IX Coordinator & Nondiscrimination Officer and Director of Sexual Violence Prevention Education

Staff/Faculty Benefits Advisory Committee

  • Mission: Reviews, discusses, and provides recommendations about the College’s staff/faculty employee benefits policies and programs.
  • Length of Term: 3 years
  • Contact: Eric Wiertelak at 
  • Appointed Members: 2 faculty (1 member who also sits on SPA), 2 staff (1 exempt and 1 non-exempt) and 1 union representative
  • Permanent Members: Employment Services Benefits Representative
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members: Maja Reyes,  Non-Exempt (Term End May 2024) & Lucy Bauer, Exempt (Term End May 2023)

Entertainment Committee

  • Mission: Plans and implements a program of entertainment recognizing the important contributions to the life of the college by faculty and staff. Recommend to the President one major event and other occasions each academic year.  Commitment is 2-3 meetings prior to an event and day of event assistance.
  • Length of Term: 3 years
  • Contact: Andi Wulff at
  • Appointed Members: Various staff and faculty
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members: Ben Kaufman (Term End May 2023), Jacki Betsworth (Term End May 2023), Marina Ito (Term End May 2023), Brien Aadland (Term End May 2024)

Honorary Degree Committee

  • Mission: Makes recommendations to the faculty and the Board of Trustees for the awarding of honorary degrees.
  • Length of Term: 3 years
  • Contact: Ann Kraker at [email protected]
  • Appointed Members: 2 faculty, 2 students, 1 staff
  • Permanent Members: Provost (Chair), Director of College Relations, and Director of Alumni Relations
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members: Theresa Klauer (Term Ends May 2023)

Infrastructure Committee

  • This is a Trustee Committee
  • Formerly Buildings and Grounds Committee
  • Mission: Reports to the Board of Trustees on buildings, grounds, and information technology issues.
  • Contact: David Wheaton at 
  • Appointed Members: 15 trustees, 1 faculty, 1 staff (SAC representative) and 2 students
  • Permanent Members: Director of Facilities Management, Vice President for Administration and Finance, College President, Associate Vice President for Information Technology Services, Board of Trustees Chair
  • SAC Appointed Staff Member: SAC Chair

Strategic Planning & Analysis Committee (SPA)

  • Formerly Resources & Planning Committee (RPC)
  • Mission: The Strategic Planning and Analysis Committee acts as an advisory committee to the President regarding long-term planning.  The Committee reviews and monitors the implementation of the existing strategic plan, conducts iterative strategic planning, and analyzes and develops reports in accordance with planning directions.
  • Length of Term: 3 years; students serve 1-year term
  • Contact: Alicia Johnson [email protected]
  • Elected Members: 6 faculty, 3 staff, and 2 students
  • Permanent (ex officio) Members: Vice President for Administration and Finance, Director of Institutional Research, Provost
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members: Rachel Weaver (Term End May 2023), Paul Schadewald (Term End May 2023), Marjorie Trueblood (Term End May 2024)

Safe Workplace Committee

  • Mission: To create an injury-free, healthy campus for students, faculty and staff. This committee works in partnership with various campus groups to eliminate the causes of campus or work-related injuries and illnesses. This committee meets if issues arise.
  • Length of Term: 2 years
  • Contact: Jill Wirth at  and Jason Dempster at, Co-Chairs
  • Appointed Members: 5 staff
  • Permanent Members: Director & Assistant Director of Facilities Services, Director of Safety & Security, Director & Associate Director of Employment Services, Custodial Services Manager, Director of Budget & Institutional Services, Chem Lab Supervisor, a Maintenance Engineer and a Carpenter
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members: Kelly Borke (Term End May 2022), Annie McBurney (Term End May 2022), Kara Warren (Term End May 2022), Lisa Treviranus (Term End May 2023)

Social Responsibility Committee (inactive)

  • Mission: Provides advice to the college’s administration regarding practices and policies on issues with significant implications for responsible institutional behavior. This committee meets if issues arise.
  • Appointed Members were: 3 staff, 3 faculty, 2 students, 1 Board of Trustees Liaison
  • Please contact  with any questions about this committee.

Staff Advisory Council

  • Mission: Elected body that recommends/reviews policies affecting staff; provides social and educational opportunities for staff, and appoints/recommends staff representatives to committees.
  • Length of Term: 3 years
  • Contact: Katie Aulwes Latham [email protected] and DeResha Vaughan [email protected]
  • Elected Members: 5 exempt staff, 4 non-exempt staff
  • See our Members page for additional details

Staff Outstanding Service Award Committee (SOSAC)

  • Mission: Selects the recipient of the annual Staff Outstanding Service Award
  • Length of Term: 3 years
  • Contact: Bob Graf at 
  • Appointed members: 3 exempt staff, 2 non-exempt staff, prior year’s SOSA recipient.
  • Permanent Members: Director of Employment Services
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members: Eily Marlow, Exempt (term expires 2023); Angi Faiks, Exempt (terms expires 2022); Denise Tyburski, Exempt (term expires 2022); Farhiyo Abdulkarim Non-Exempt (term expires 2024); Sara Dion, Non-Exempt (term expires 2024)

Student Employment Advisory Committee (SEAC)

  • Mission: Serves as a liaison between the Macalester community and Employment Services, Financial Aid, and Student Employment. SEAC addresses faculty, staff and student concerns regarding student employment and student supervisors. The committee also serves the Student Employment Office in an advisory capacity in determining the current and future direction of student employment at Macalester College.
  • Length of Term: 3 years
  • Contact: Stuart Chmielewski, [email protected]
  • Appointed Members: 9 staff and 2 students
  • Permanent members: Associate Director of Financial Aid, Manager Talent & Student Employment; 2 Advisory Members: Staffing Coordinator, Employment Services Director. Staff appointments to SEAC must be evenly balanced between offices that manage small (1-10), medium (11-50), and large (51 or more) numbers of student employees. The committee should have three representatives from each of these areas.
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members Term Ends May 2022: Catherine Westby – medium, Derek Johnson – large
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members Term Ends May 2023: Brooke Schmolke – large, LaReina Adams – large, Neno Grae – medium
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members Term Ends May 2024: Kelsey Fox – small, Carla Zelada – medium, Pam Laterall – large, Stuart Chmielewski – medium

Sustainability Advisory Committee

  • Mission: To oversee the implementation of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment and the Talloires Declaration. The committee will also recommend policies and practices which best reflect the College’s commitment to an environmentally sustainable world. In addition, the committee will function as a conduit for information exchange about campus sustainability initiatives.
  • Length of Term: 2 years
  • Contact: Christie Manning, [email protected]
  • Appointed Members: 2 faculty, 1 exempt staff, 2 non-exempt staff, 4 students
  • Permanent Members: Director of Sustainability, Director of Campus Programs, Director of Facilities Management
  • SAC Appointed Staff Members: Kara Warren, Non-Exempt (Term End May 2022), Dave Collins, Exempt (Term End May 2022), Jody Emmings, Exempt (Term End May 2022)

Wellness and Health at Macalester (WHAM)

  • Mission: To foster a working and learning environment which promotes healthy lifestyle choices by increasing awareness, providing educational opportunities, and supporting lifestyle changes. Healthier lifestyles among faculty and staff will in turn create happier, more productive individuals who benefit themselves, Macalester, and the greater community.
  • Length of Term: 3 years
  • Contact: Lisa Broek at 
  • Appointed Members: 5 staff, 2 faculty
  • Permanent Members: Jason Dempster, Kelly Fang, Susan Fox, Ariel James, Steve Murray, Randi Hartman
  • SAC Appointed Staff Member: Stephanie Alden (Term End May 2022), Sarah Schmidt (Term End May 2023), Dylan Walker (Term End May 2023), Kyllian Griffin (Term End May 2024), Ian Robinson (Term End May 2024), Deanna Seppanen (Term End May 2024)