Susana Blanco-Iglesias
Senior Lecturer
Humanities 200a
[email protected]
Susana Blanco-Iglesias, instructor from Bilbao, Spain. She has a degree in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics with related study in Second Language Acquisition (University of Minnesota). Her instructional duties include teaching first and second year language classes and linguistics courses. She serves as Practicum Coordinator for first and second year Spanish language courses.
Her research interest focuses on language learning and second-language acquisition in general, and in Spanish/English in particular. Her dissertation project concentrates on the use of Spanish/English by third-grade children in an immersion program in the Twin Cities. She is also interested in sociolinguistics, political linguistics, dialectology, translation, and language contact issues (Spanish/English in Minnesota and in the United States, and Basque/Spanish in the Basque Country, Spain).