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Strategic Plan Implementation Update to Students: April 2024


On April 9, 2024, I held a town hall session for students to share an update and answer questions related to implementing the Imagine, Macalester strategic plan. This gathering was co-sponsored by MCSG. Many students, staff, faculty, and alumni have participated in activities that have moved us towards the priorities and goals approved by the Board of Trustees in October, 2022. The town hall was a forum to share some highlights of what has been happening. Here is a brief overview of topics that we covered:

  • A summary of the recent Board of Trustees retreat that included a pair of plenary sessions to discuss the topics of headwinds facing higher education and small liberal arts colleges and the role of equity and inclusion in higher education. In addition, the board received an update from Campbell & Company, consultants on our next fundraising campaign, and conducted a business meeting that included approval of funding for the Campus Center renovation that will happen this summer.
  • An overview of progress made in the areas of curriculum, culture, and campus that make up the Imagine, Macalester strategic plan. The updates include changes to policies, updated access to information and resources, as well as description of pilot activities such as a shift in dates of new student move-in and orientation that will happen this summer.

A full progress report on the implementation of the Imagine, Macalester strategic plan is available as a PDF file and included on the Strategic Plan website

Wishing you well as we approach the end of this academic year.

On behalf of the Strategic Plan Implementation Team,

Paul Overvoorde