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Strategic Plan Implementation Update: September, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We hope the launch of the new academic year is going smoothly. Last week we held a Strategic Plan Implementation (SPI) session and we write with a recap for those who weren’t able to attend.

Our time last week included the following:

  • An update on progress made over the summer on strategic initiatives and information about how these efforts will move forward this academic year. We invite you to view this linked set of slides and to visit the revamped Imagine, Macalester website for additional information.
  • An opportunity to revisit and make suggestions about the four strategic imperatives that underlie the strategic plan: financial sustainability, academic distinction, social responsibility, and community well-being. Participants were invited to share ideas about things we might stop doing so that we can reallocate resources to start or expand activities that align our values, resources, and priorities. You can view the list of shared ideas and add your suggestions using this form.
  • A description of the expanded Strategic Plan Implementation Committee and other groups involved in implementation efforts this academic year.
  • Participants at the session had an opportunity to discuss ways that they could support five Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will be used as institutional progress toward goals that we aim to reach by 2030. The KPIs identified by the Senior Leadership Team are:
    • Alumni engagement and support
    • Graduate placement six months after graduation
    • Yield on offers of admission
    • First to second year retention
    • Six-year graduation rate

The KPI goals along with historical data are available and will be updated annually in October. The selected KPIs will not change because of a single intervention, new program, or shift in one area of the college. No single office or department will single-handedly move the needle.  Progress towards changes in the KPI will reflect the collective and coordinated impacts of multiple efforts such as improvements to campus facilities, changes to student programing, updates to the advising structures, or modifications to the general education requirements or other elements of the curriculum.

We look forward to our next SPI conversation on October 31, 2024, which will be led by members of the Curriculum Implementation Committee. Please RSVP for this 11:10 a.m.– 1 p.m. session, which will be held in the Kagin Ballroom.

The Strategic Plan Implementation Committee,

Paul Overvoorde, co-chair

Jeff Allen, co-chair

Laurie Adamson, co-director of First Year Experience

Louisa Bradtmiller, co-director of First Year Experience, Associate Dean for Advising

Rebecca DeJarlais Ortiz, Communications and Marketing

Deb Ekeren, former member of Employee Well-being working group

Catie Gardner Smith, Alumni Engagement

Jen Guyer-Wood, co-chair High Impact Practice working group

Duchess Harris, co-chair Curriculum Implementation Committee

Bethany Miller, co-chair Student Learning Committee

Sara Suelflow, President’s Office

Dan Trudeau, co-chair Curriculum Implementation Committee