What We Do:
The Cabinet aims to provide a place within MCSG to address broader issues faced by our community and the roles of the elected officers who serve on the cabinet have been tailored to represent the core values of Macalester. They will work to ensure MCSG’s work is mindful of their issue areas and also bring their own initiatives and projects.
2024-2025 Cabinet Chair: Philomena Shuffelton-Sobe ’26
2024-2025 Health & Wellness Liaison: Emma Rohrs ’26 / Catherine Kane ’26
The Health & Wellness Liaison works closely and collaborates with the Hamre Center for Health & Wellness, the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, and the Title IX Office to facilitate initiatives regarding student health, wellness, well-being, and enhance knowledge regarding these areas of campus life. Meets with leadership from these departments on a regular basis in order to ensure and strengthen collaboration between MCSG initiatives and these areas of focus. Currently paired with the Belonging & Accessibility liaison.
2024-2025 Infrastructure and Sustainability Liaison:
The Infrastructure and Sustainability Liaison works closely and collaborates with the Sustainability Office and Facilities Services to facilitate initiatives regarding campus sustainability and the campus space and physical environment, and enhance knowledge regarding these areas of campus life. Meets with leadership from these departments on a regular basis in order to ensure and strengthen collaboration between MCSG initiatives and these areas of focus.
2024-2025 Athletic and Recreation Liaison: Jordan Galloway ’26 / Ash Granda-Bondurant ’27
The Athletics & Recreation Liaison works closely and collaborates with the Department of Athletics and Recreation, as well as affiliated campus organizations, teams, and student groups to facilitate partnerships between MCSG and student athletics, and build initiatives regarding athletic life, physical activity, recreation. Meet with the leadership from this department on a regular basis in order to ensure and strengthen collaboration between MCSG initiatives and these areas of focus.
2024-2025 Belonging and Accessibility Liaison: Willow Albano ’26 / Kurian Jos ’26
The Belonging and Accessibility Liaison works closely and collaborates with the Lealtad-Suzuki Center for Social Justice and Disability Services to facilitate initiatives regarding campus equity, inclusion, and accessibility which empower historically underrepresented and/or marginalized groups on campus. Provides contacts, updates, and links students and the LB with these areas of campus life and available resources to maintain transparency and accessibility should the need arise for students. Meet with leadership from these departments on a regular basis in order to ensure and strengthen collaboration between MCSG initiatives and these areas of focus. Paired with the Health & Wellness Liaison.
2024-2025 Residential Life and Dining Liaison: Galjer Yangwaue ’27
The Residential Life and Dining Liaison works closely and collaborates with Residential Life, and Bon Appetit to facilitate initiatives regarding the residential experience and campus dining, and will enhance knowledge regarding these areas of campus life. Meets with leadership from this department on a regular basis in order to ensure and strengthen collaboration between MCSG initiatives and these areas of focus, and will be involved with the Macalester Dining Advisory Committee and the Residential Life & Housing Facilities Advisory Committee. Paired with the International Student Liaison.
2024-2025 International Student Liaison: Laurice Jimu ’27
The International Student Liaison works closely and collaborates with International Student Programs to facilitate initiatives regarding international student equity, inclusion, and accessibility of institutional and domestic resources. Brings knowledge of the international student experience to the Cabinet and LB in order to advocate for specific challenges faced by the unique relationship with the college held by international students. Meets with leadership from this department on a regular basis in order to ensure and strengthen collaboration between MCSG initiatives and these areas of focus. Paired with the Residential Life and Dining Liaison.