Resolution Documents
- R0018: A Resolution Calling for a Reconsideration for the 2025 Graduation Venue
- R0016: A Resolution Calling for Insitutational Divestment Related to the Genocide of Palestinians by Israel
- R0015: A Resolution in Support of the Macalester Undergraduate Workers’ Union (MUWU)
- R0013: A Resolution to Discontinue Study Away Programs in Israel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Haifa
- R0012: Resolution on Automatic Textbook Billing
- R0011: Swipe Out Hunger Proposal
- R0010: Spring Break Dining Proposal
- R0009: Resolution to Address EPAG
- R0008: Proposal by Fossil Free Macalester to the Social Responsibility Committee to end Macalester College’s Oil and Gas Private Partnership Investments
- R0007: A Resolution To Support Undocumented Students at Macalester
- R0006: A Resolution in Response to Hate at Macalester
- R0005: Dual Flush Toilets to Reduce Water and Energy Waste
- R0004: Reducing Paper Towel Waste
- R0003: A Resolution to Discontinue Macalester’s Policy on Publicly Publishing the Dean’s List
- R0002: Test Optional Proposal
- R0001: Moratorium on Private Oil and Gas Partnerships
Addressing Income Inequality at Macalester (2014-2015)
Regarding College Policy on Indecent Exposure (2014-2015)
Calling for Greater Faculty Diversity (2013-14)
Calling for Greater TGI Inclusivity (2013-14)
Regarding 2012-13 College Staffing Cuts (2012-13)
Regarding Fossil Fuel Divestment (2012-13)
Supporting Contingent Faculty (2013-14)
Supporting the 2014 Real Food Campus Commitment Action Plan (2013-14)
Supporting the Proposed 2014 MPIRG Fall Contract with Amendments (2013-14)
R0002: Test Optional Proposal
Resolved on March 7, 2017. This resolution outlines the arguments in favor of test optional, including how it aligns with Macalester College’s mission as an institution of higher education. It will be submitted as a proposal to President Brian Rosenberg, who will consider it and make a decision on moving forward by the end of the semester.
R0001: Resolution: Moratorium on Private Oil and Gas Partnerships
Resolved on February 21, 2017. It provides the history and challenges of fossil fuel investment at Macalester and its wider impacts. The resolution calls for Macalester College’s Administration and Board of Trustees to enact a moratorium on private oil and gas partnerships to divest from funding fossil fuel infrastructure.
A Resolution Calling for Increased Permanent Funding for Summer Academic and Career-Related Opportunities
Resolved on April 14, 2015, the resolution calls for increased permanent funding allocated by Macalester to specifically support funding for unpaid summer academic and career-related opportunities. The resolution aims to allow students completing a summer academic and career-related opportunity to register their experience for credit and have the cost waived. These actions were taken as a result of the extremely limited and exclusive funding opportunities for summer academic and career-related opportunities. This resolution builds upon action by the Board of Trustees in January 2014 when they expressed the desire to “Strengthen the connections between a liberal arts education and vocation by making more obvious and accessible the paths from the student experience at Macalester to eventual careers.”
A Resolution Addressing Income Inequality at Macalester
Resolved at the Student Assembly on April 14, 2015, the resolution calls Macalester to action regarding the current state of income inequality in employees of Macalester College. The resolution calls for movement toward an income ratio of 18:1 by 2020. It specifically addresses wages of subcontracted employees, calling that they be renegotiated to the minimum pay Macalester College allows for its staff ($14.17/hour adjusted for inflation using the BLS’s yearly unchained CPI measure) by 2020. The resolution also calls for the creation of an Income Inequality Commission to work further on the aforementioned goals.
A Resolution Regarding College Policy on Indecent Exposure
Resolved by the LB on April 7, 2015, the resolution regarding college policy on Indecent Exposure calls for the administration to reconsider the current policy and instead replace it with the rhetoric of “obscene exposure” (see resolution for explanation of the difference between indecent and obscene). The resolution supports creating particular circumstances where students may use their bodies as forms of expression, it attempts to create legislation supporting a safe and respectful community for those not participating while also taking into consideration those students who may want to participate in this particular form of expression.
A Resolution Calling for Greater Faculty Diversity
MacWeekly Coverage
Resolved by the LB in the Spring of 2014, the resolution calling for greater faculty diversity represents a year-long and ongoing lobbying effort by the student body to have the Macalester administration commit to designate 7-10 tenure-track positions explicitly and exclusively for new faculty of color hires over the next 35 years.
A Resolution Calling for Greater TGI Inclusivity
MacWeekly Coverage
Resolved by the LB in the Spring of 2014, the resolution calling for greater TGI inclusivity demonstrates MCSG support for a substantial increase in the availability of all gender and single-use facilities on campus to be comparable to or greater than the availability of gender-segregated facilities, and that such facilities should be clearly signed and available in every campus building, and that institutional policies surrounding name preferences and changes should be clearly communicated to students seeking changes and provide greater flexibility regarding documentation and distinctions between preferred and legal names. See the following MacWeekly article on related institutional changes with bathroom facilities.
A Resolution Regarding 2012-13 College Staffing Cuts
MacWeekly Coverage
Resolved by the LB in the Spring of 2013, the resolution in opposition to Staffing Cuts in critical area on campus calls on Macalester College to consider balancing crucial student needs – including but not limited to spiritual life, mental health counseling, medical services, academic support, and multicultural life – in its strategic planning process with other important budget priorities.
A Resolution Regarding Fossil Fuel Divestment
MacWeekly Coverage of Fossil Free Mac
Resolved by the LB in the 2012-13 session, the resolution in support of Fossil Fuel Divestment urges Macalester College to initiate a process to explore socially and fiscally responsible divestment from the fossil fuel industry, while stimulating dialogue about global warming and maintain its reputation as a national leader in climate action as a form of global citizenship.
A Resolution Supporting Contingent Faculty
MacWeekly Coverage
Resolved by the LB in the 2013-14 session, the resolution to support contingent faculty states that MCSG supports efforts for contingent faculty to organize a union to pursue their common interests and that MCSG expects Macalester College as an institution along with individual administrators to commit to a position of neutrality and noninterference toward contingent faculty organizing a union, and that no funds from tuition or other sources will be spent discouraging or dissuading union organizing.
A Resolution Supporting the 2014 Real Food Campus Commitment Action Plan
MacWeekly Coverage of the Real Food Commitment
Resolved by the LB in the Spring of 2014, the resolution supporting the 2014 Real Food Campus Commitment Action Plan that specifically outlines a plan to reach 30% “Real Food” sourcing in Macalester’s Bon Appetit. Read the full Action Plan here.
A Resolution Supporting the Proposed 2014 MPIRG Fall Contract with Amendments
MacWeekly Coverage
Resolved by the LB on April 29, 2014, the resolution support the proposed 2014 MPIRG Fall contract with amendments recommends that the 2014-15 LB consider the previously negotiated contract between MCSG and MPIRG before the referendum was invalidated by the Judicial Council and MPIRG suggested a semester extension to allow for another student body referendum.