Macalester Fund
Advancement - Support Mac651-696-6065
866-814-0640 (toll free)
Helping Every Student, Every Year
Gifts to the Macalester Fund support all aspects of Macalester and provide broad, annual, and essential support for everyone in the Macalester community. Gifts go to work immediately, and the fund provides crucial flexibility to the college’s budget.
Your gift to the Macalester Fund supports and inspires Macalester students who influence change for the better across the globe.
You can choose how your Macalester Fund gift is directed:
- Support It All: Support everything you love about Macalester by investing in the people and programs that make Mac shine.
- Financial Aid: Support Macalester’s extraordinary commitment to financial aid, which allows us to provide students of all economic backgrounds access to a Macalester education.
- Program Support: Provide students with opportunities for growth outside the classroom – from arts performances to career development workshops to maker lessons in the Idea Lab – that make the Macalester experience special.
- Faculty Support: Sustain the incredible education at the heart of Macalester’s mission, including student-faculty research, curricular development, and the flexibility to pilot new projects and academic initiatives.
- Athletics: Help Macalester student-athletes build toward excellence with expanded efforts to support the whole athlete through nutrition and counseling services, student athlete leadership development, expanded recruitment, and more.
- Student Emergency Aid: Support Macalester students experiencing unanticipated financial hardships related to technology and academic supply needs, emergency travel, medical expenses, and more. These funds are administered through Macalester’s Emergency Aid Program.
- Racial Equity Support: Support Macalester’s work toward a more just and equitable campus and world. These funds are granted to projects through an application process open to students, faculty, and staff members.
Sustainer Giving
Sustainers make recurring gifts to the Macalester Fund from their credit card or via direct deposit, providing a dependable funding source to the college and reducing fundraising costs so more of their gifts go directly to supporting Macalester students. You can set this up easily by using our secure online giving form. Already a Sustainer? Manage your giving here.
Recognizing Donors
As a Macalester Fund donor, you will be recognized for your generosity. Follow this link to learn more about Macalester’s donor recognition societies.
Reach Out
Have questions about how to make a Macalester Fund gift? We are here to help.