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The Words: December 2023

The Words

Alumni Spotlight: Curatorial Assistant Nora Stewart ‘21

by Zoë R. Scheuerman ’24

Some people might find it stressful that an English degree doesn’t always match a particular career path the way that, for example, a computer science or premed degree (stereotypically) does. However, the English major’s flexibility and wide-ranging career paths speak to the universality of English skills, not their supposed nebulousness or alleged lack of value. Read about Nora’s postgrad journey here…

Nora Stewart '21

Tim O'Briend '68 with English Seniors

Author Tim O’Brien ‘68 Meets with English Seniors

by Patrick Coy-Bjork ’24

On November 15th, Macalester alumnus and well-known author Tim O’Brien returned to Mac’s campus as a part of the book tour for his latest novel, America Fantastica. During this visit, the English department hosted a coffee and lunch in which current English seniors could converse with O’Brien regarding his experience studying at Mac and his subsequent career in the world of literature. Read more about O’Brien’s visit here…

Letters From Abroad: Marley’s Study Abroad Reflection!

by Marley Craine ’25

The end of the year means that many study abroad programs are starting to wrap up – which is exciting for those of us missing friends abroad, but definitely bittersweet for traveling students! Marley studied in Morocco this semester. Read more about her experiences here…

Marley riding a camel

Fall Capstone Presentations

by Birdie Keller ’25

With the end of the semester approaching comes a flurry of homework and final deadlines. Amidst chaos and stress is (what I consider) the best night of these final few weeks—capstone presentations! It is always so inspiring to see what these amazing senior English majors have been working on all semester. Read about this semester’s amazing projects here…

Capstone Presentations

Prof Sarah Ghazal Ali

Q & A With Professor Sarah Ghazal Ali

by Ahlaam Abdulwali ’25

Last semester, the English department hired and welcomed Professor Sarah Ghazal Ali. Her upcoming poetry collection Theophanies is the 2022 Alice James Award Editor’s Choice. Professor Ali starts teaching classes here in the fall semester of 2024, and we wanted to check in to hear more about Professor Ali’s life since being hired at Mac. Read Professor Ali’s updates here…

Charley Eatchel '23

Charley’s Parting Words

by Charley Eatchel ’23

The English department’s office manager and Words contributor, Charley Eatchel ’23, graduates in December – oh no, that means imminently! In preperation for their goodbye, Charley was kind enough to hash out some parting words… pun maybe intended. Click here to read their heartfelt goodbye…

Cool Classes for Curious Collegiates!

by Chloë Moore ’24

As we start wrapping up this semester (eek!), we’re all starting to think about what courses we’ll be taking in the spring. To give our readers some food for thought during hibernation, The Words is highlighting some new and exciting courses being offered next semester. Even if you’ve already registered, it’s great to have options in mind for Add/Drop. We have an exciting range of topics coming up in the Department; read on to learn more…

Letters From Abroad: Lucy’s Study Abroad Reflection!

by Lucy McNees ’25

Alongside Marley, the Words also reached out to Lucy McNees ’25 about her experiences abroad! Lucy has been studying at the British American Drama Academy in London. Here are Lucy’s thoughts on her experience!

Shakespeare mural

US Poet Laureate: Ada Limón Reading

by Chloë Moore ’24

On November 8th, US Poet Laureate Ada Limón visited the University of Minnesota to offer a reading from her latest collection from Milkweed Editions, The Hurting Kind. Read a rundown of the event here…

Ada Limón Reading

Student/Faculty Accolades

by Chloë Moore ’24

Read the monthly roundup of student and faculty achievements here!