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Benjamin Voigt’s New Chapbook: Postpastoral

By Patrick Coy-Bjork ‘24

Benjamin Voigt

Last fall, Macalester English Alum and current Academic Information Associate Benjamin Voigt won a writing contest in which he was named the inaugural chapbook fellow of His winning chapbook, Postpastoral, has now been officially published! To celebrate, Voigt hosted a launch party in the Weyerhaeuser chapel in which he read excerpts from his work. Professors Melissa Cundieff, Aurora Masum-Javed, and Michael Prior shared their poetry at the event as well.

You can purchase a copy at the website here where they include the following excerpt:


“A computer rests in the grass.

The cows around it meditate.

They can sleep standing up.

Their mouths are minds, their guts nets.

Lost in thought,

they can take almost anything in—

nuts and bolts, magnets,

the history of a field…”

Congratulations to Ben for his incredible work!